La Dee Dum
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'M BACK ON THE SUNNY SHORES OF SINGAPURA!And.... yeah.. that's about as happening as I can get. I mean.. tone-wise. Been bumming around the house the past 2 days. Am going to see how long it takes for me to get bored with spending time with me, myself and I, since everyone else is having their finals. Bah.. But it's alright.. Already have plans mapped out for next week! Yay-ness..!
The most annoying thing about staying in the house, though.. is that.. the new terrace opposite my house is now up.. and it's freaking within 10 metres. Meaning.. the side of their house is
DIRECTLY facing the side of
MY HOUSE! And my entire view from my balcony and room window is blocked.. Not only blocked, okay.. they can totally see through their infinite number of windows into our house.. and vice versa!
How the heck am I going to do things my way from now on (I think close friends would know what I mean) ?! Unless I shut my blinds perpetually and live in darkness.. So annoying! Why would anyone want to design something like that..?!
WHY?! This is outright voyuerism okay!! Not even like.. The secrecy of the Gaze!! Rubbish.
Actually have loads and loads to update and pictures to upload.. but. Am in the too-
nua-to-do-anything mode.. and will be so for the rest of the week, I reckon.
Oh oh.. thanks gang for coming down so early to surprise me on Sunday morning!! Although I sort of expected it.. it was still a nice surprise, cause I didn't see you guys when I strolled out, anyway. Weekend dinner kays!!
P.S. Heh.. qin, this shall be counted as an update!
7:26:00 PM
Monday, November 09, 2009
... is sleeping in for 14+ hours after a fantabulous day...
Yes.. Slept for 14 hours.. reckon is to recuperate the sleep lost during exam week. And it's super shiok!! I feel like a newborn please... especially after a shower. Sweet!
Had a ridiculously awesome day.. Lil creatures and the beach can do wonders, heh.
Anyway.. some pictures.

Can you even begin to fathom how awesome God is to create such wonders?? And it's just a simple sunset, heh.. Blown away, yet again.
Britney's Circus concert post coming up soon!! (had so much fun... saved for the people who shouted at us when we stood up to dance and the lack of big screens.. it was THE best concert yet!)
11:59:00 AM
Whinge and Whine
Monday, November 02, 2009
... It's time to stop!
=.. (
I can't seem to get my act together!!
After saturday, the-day-that-was-created-to-break-me, everything just dissolved into quiet desolation. And I can't get my momentum back! I literally slept the whole of yesterday and I still feel shit tired.
Oh man..
2 more days debster.. and you're done! What the heck is wrong with you girl???!?!
Just have to keep telling myself that.
Ironic.. this is supposed to uplift me, not a platform for me to whinge more!!
So anyway..
I was reading about the gang's latest gathering. And it looked so fun!! I mean, even though it rained for the entire night, they still made the best out of everything and it turned out good... as always. I'd like to think we have the ability to prevail under any and every circumstance. And the guys proved that they still had their bbq skills, heh? Not bad.. fire started under 30 minutes, I heard. And in the rain too! I think there was one occasion back in the day when we had to start a fire under the rain too.
It made realise how much I miss everyone.
I was e-mailing qin.. and telling her that I wasn't very eager to return. I think anyone back home who hears or sees this would be like, "Deb! You wang en fu yi!! Bu xiao nu! How can you be so heartless?! What about your family.. and beloved friends who are all waiting for you to go back and catch up?! It's your home, man!"
But I was really being honest.
I don't know why.. But the anticipation to go home isn't as strong this time. Might it be because I grew too comfortable being here? Or because I still have company here?? Maybe when everyone goes back one by one..
However, after reading the entries and mulling about it.. I realise I do want to be back home. To reconnect and enjoy with the people who matter so much in my life. Even though the urge to may not be as pronounced as last semester's... ultimately, I still want to be back home.
And it's not just about the food, heh..
Speaking of food, I cannot wait to sink my teeth into Auntie Alma's homecooked food!! =(
I'm severely deprived of fish.. and veggies.. Auntie!! Please prepare a feast for my return!! Hahaa (So root-less, still expect to be served with love and generosity from people back home.. *Smacks self*)
Should really learn from Job.. Not that my circumstances is of any significance compared to his.. But yeah, he fell, got back up and remained faithful. It has to be an important message if God compels you to read a particular book, heh?
Okay, done whining..
10:11:00 AM