Broken Chains
Friday, October 16, 2009

It's amazing what God can do in one week.
How He can use simple things to touch us so deeply... to remember the magnitude of His everlasting love.
How He puts us in certain situations and brings difficult circumstances, so that His plan for us will come to. And ultimately, we come up tops... because it's God's plan.
Nothing is by coincidence.
And nothing is impossible, with God.
Was reading Wednesday's devotion from FCBC's page.. and it talked about remembering who we are- rightful children of God.
The devotion inserted this a little part of 'Lion King'... and it spoke so deeply into my heart.
Mustafa: Simba (son)... you have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me...
Simba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be...
Mustafa: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the true King... Remember...
(It's super 'geng'.. cause 'Lion King' is like the first disney movie I'd ever watched and the first one that ever touched me so much that I was sobbing away in the darkened 'theatre' of my kindergarten class. So for God to use this and show me His love... allowed me to view in from another perspective, and yet have the exact same emotions, if not more... is powerful beyond all words.)
We are saved because of His grace and mercy. But time and again, we defy Him and go into the world with our sinful ways. We live as if we don't know our God. And time and again, He forgives us of our iniquities.
It is only when we finally realise and remember the magnitude of His love that we begin to accept it and start to live right. I yearn to grow so much closer to Him, and to stay forever close to Him. But my human flesh is weak.
That is why we need to rely on God's help. With our meagre abilities and strength... what we can achieve is pathetic. But if we turn to Him... everything will be magnified and we can find true joy and rest in Him. I see His works in me so clearly now and I can't wait for more to unravel. And now is the time to step up to that mission to do His work and bring glory to His name.
What hypocrites we'd be, if we took His grace and just live our everyday satisfied that we are saved. Is that all there is to being children of God?
I pray that everyday I grow that much closer to Him as I take up the cross daily.
Indeed, chains are broken and lives are healed... eyes are opened and Christ is revealed.
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
Certain as Your words endure
You'll come
Let Your glory fall as You respond to us
Spirit rain
Flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come
9:08:00 AM
Business As Usual
Thursday, October 08, 2009
... His perfect timing
This past week has been awesome. Actually, this whole semester has been a blast. In every single sense. Sure, the workload may be heavier and assignments results may have dipped (I've struggled a whole deal to come to terms with it.. *Sigh* "Becky, you should know"), but every single day is filled with unexpected surprises.
Just when you feel like giving up on everything you've worked your arse off, He sends someone/something to supply you with so much more strength and joy.
Just imagine that.. but every single day.
I don't know how else to put it, but God works in marvelous ways... and always has. The seed of faith that He has planted, the miracles He performs, the answered prayers. Things like these takes my breath away and does something in my very core.. so monumental that all I could and can do is stand in awe.
3 more weeks before finals.
I will pull through!
10:26:00 PM
The Dilemmas of a Fowl Friend in a Globalised World
Monday, October 05, 2009

So some time during last week.. or two weeks ago, I came across one of the resident peacocks in the Arts building as I was strolling towards my Psyc lecture.
The sight of them have become little less than an everyday affair... but their presence and grace never fail to catch me breath. Everytime I get the chance to see them, I stop everything I'm doing (unless I'm late for a lect/tute) and just observe them.
This poor one over here, just so happens to be in my path and was subjected to 10 minutes of potential threat with a strange weapon that is my phone. I can just imagine the thoughts that were running through his mind.
Hmmm... Human.
(*Cocks his head to a side)
Where's the food? Don't they usually come with food?
No? This one has a strange object in its hand.. reaching out towards me. Coming closer!!
(*Saunters away along the railing)
Must get away. But how?
The only way is to get down on the ground.
But it's so close to me!
Should I jump down the other side, then?
It's three-storey high, though.
Hey, I'm a bird... Can't I fly?
Never tried.
I might just die.
What am I going to do?!
Or not. Because he looked pretty relaxed.. just basking in the sunlight, lost in his own thoughts. Didn't really mind me circling him, trying out different angles. He was probably thinking..
Oh, another fascinated human. I shall pose and indulge it. After all, I AM THE most beautiful creature on the face of this Earth.. (*Smirks)
Anyway... I just had a fleeting thought.
How does the peacock know who and what is a threat? Has its life been so normalised, growing up and interacting with humans that it no longer see humans as threat? As a group of people that may potentially hunt them for their gorgeous turquoise feathers, for food (a bit extreme.. but yeah)? Doesn't it feel unjustly treated that humans have assumed unoccupied land as theirs and just build whatever flippin' hell they want at the expense of another's home?
Just like how we are living in a globalised world that's constantly being bombarded by products, information, culture of another. Well, mainly the western world... How do developing countries feel about being used for their cheap labour and relatively abundant (yet rapidly depleting) raw materials and land? Do they feel glad because they've been given a piece of the 'global market pie' or do they feel threatened because their culture might possibly be diluted and lost... They do profit, yes. But more often than not, they are just earning on the terms of the 'powerhouse', and it's obviously a marginalised income.
Or do they simply not know any better? Because they've grown up in that environment when it has always been this way... Being unjustly treated and marginalised.. They just grow up thinking it's normal.. and this way of life isn't much of a problem to them. They don't know any better because they don't know.
Or is it that they don't have the agency and power to defend themselves? A people without face and voice to rise up the negotiation platform just because they are doing the more menial work and getting paid less.

For the humble peacock (or not so humble.. because everyone knows..
as proud as a peacock. heh), things might not be so detrimental. For obvious reasons... they can't be compared to people who are being discriminated or rejecting their culture for survival's sake. Life's good for UWA's peacocks.
But if they know any better and have the power to peck humans to death.. They'd realise that people are invading their habitat for the sake of their own development.. and just letting a select group of peacocks to live out of obligation. Just so they can say that they've done their part in helping others and assimilating them into the new world.
I think we all need to find a balance. How far are we going to allow our identity to be washed-out before we lose it completely? How are we going to preserve it? In some cases, even to the point of fighting the invading forces to resist change, in order to prevent the introduction of a whole host of social and economic issues.

I suppose we could all sit on the fence.
For us, (disgustingly) privileged people living in places where freedom is a personal right, it is easy to do. But is that really how we want to live out our lives? As selfish capitalists, scrambling after the cheapest resources just so we can produce and cater to the rich (who might possibly be ourselves!)? Subjecting the voiceless and powerless to 'OUR' way of life.. just because we think it is the best way? Just because our narrow minds can only imagine one civilised way to live?
Is homogeneity the only way to go?
I say give the peacocks the right to choose. Only then, can we say we genuinely want what is best for them.
** I am not referring developing nations and marginalised individuals as peacocks.. just using them as analogies.
On a lighter note..
Good news abounds! So many lives that are about to be blessed so infinitely!! I just love it when people share good news. Their happiness just burst out of them like a ray of hope and infect you for days. Especially the creation of new life and relationships!!
Sigh.. happy happy... so happy for you guys.
3:54:00 PM