Copy and Paste
Friday, May 29, 2009
... left me with no other choice, man!
I left mackie on while I went out for cell... a whole 4+ hours and not a single photo uploaded from the image thing of blogspot. Gah.. In the end, I resorted to just copying and pasting.. Might not work, might work. Heck, can't care less anymore! So infuriating, please! Why the shit is the internet so screwed?!
And then got no spacing! How are people going to read this?!
Bloody shit.. (sorry for all the cussing. I am not usually so uncouth. Only when I'm beyond pissed)
Above was ranting the night before. It's all good now! After I copied and pasted everything... I realized that none of it could be viewed! Decided to just give it up and go to bed.
And what do I know, early this morning.. after laundry (yes, have to make appointment with the Mr Sunshine. and because I don't want to use the dryer unless absolutely necessary, I have to check the forecast and plan my laundry day! Wake up any later than 9 to do laundry, that's it.. Clothes won't dry) I tried to upload the photos, and it worked!
Anyway, here's something to cheer myself (and most certainly jade) up.

Edward Cullen basking in the italian sun! Before CGI.. If you look closely, you can see black marker dots all over his face and body. Just so that he can be in all his glittery glory on screen.

And after a long separation away from each other... AWWWWW!
The anguish is so clearly written on his face, don't you think?? Another batch of photos (with him shedding his shirt off) from the source shows him to be so much more depressed. And lovely. Just how I like my vampires to be.. melodramatic.
Actually, I thought it was kind of stupid of Edward to try to force himself away from Bella. Makes no sense and would certainly not work. If you love the girl, just be with her man. Torture yourself and her. Tsk. Well, maybe it makes sense in vampire-world. Wait, why am I trying to make sense of a story that involves gorgeous vampires, fiercely-protective werewolves and a vampire-child that can read her parents' mind?
Moving on..
Christine's 22th
So we prepared a few fun things to make Christine's day...

.... What's Haz up to?

... cleansing before use!
(You'll see why)

Fabulously delish cake.

Fun candles.
Had a really hard time lighting every single one. The winds just blew everything out. And the most epic fail thing was.. we left it outside her door, then rushed to the balcony to surprise her. When she opened her door, the gust of wind (from the door's movement) wiped it all out. So we had to relight while singing to her. Epic fail.

Totally confused her when we started banging on her balcony door too!

See... not lighted anymore.

She likes her present!!
And this was our 'special' present to her..

Daniel Henney and his man parts.

She likeys!!!

For Sale sign, which we pose with for any and all occasions. Sadly, it got stolen/taken down by Pete (security guard)/taken down by cleaning lady/destroyed as a joke. Yeah, one of those, we have no idea too.

Peace out!
Noe's 21st!
Theme of the party. (explains all our wacky outfits)

One would know they are 'back' to the 'future' when...

... there's an Astroboy doing the wallstar (just made up a name for it, since everyone loves doing it, might as well make it cool)...

... a fashionista-ballarina for a garbage collector...

.... Dracula-esque Darth Vadar...

... Hiro Nakamura! So apt!! Traveling back to the future!

... And Spock! (in Christine's own words, in reference to her hand signs, "
must milk all I can out of this! It's the only time I'll ever dress up as Spock!")

Cool-ass Cook Girls! Machiam girl band with their similar get-up.

Southern Sevens. (minus 4, plus Mich!)

While waiting for the party to get started.. Group photo! (check out Steve!! Really into character mans)

Heh. Birthday girl! Our present completed her outfit. *note tiara and badge*
Then she goes on to exclaim, "wait wait!! Cannot take pictures yet! Haven't make-up!"

Kay, so we take first...

All made-up!
One happy baby..

With Mr Playboy-of-the-future..

... with the future-mister??

... with Hiro. Who was trying to transport them forward into the past. (since it's BACK to the future.. Geddit geddit?? Ah, what the heck..)

Room not enough space, so filled out the corridors! Heh, chain-massage. Rieko's enjoying it!

Feng and Astroboy aka her bro..

He cramps my style!"

Darth Vadar trying to slay a friendly, adorable, orange alien. Typical.
Food's served!
And a little special something for the guests...

Are you salivating already?!

Chris, the head-chef. Too fast for the camera!

Preparing for batch number two.

While the rest either 'test' the trial ones..

... or watch TV with 3 eyes

... or camwhore

Werrkkit girl!

Who says Clarissa can't cook? (was actually just opening the oven to check on the party snacks. Heh.)


Where are my drinks, Haz?!"

Right to it. Homemade
Sangrias. Yes, everything is homemade at Trinity. Cake, deco, outfits, even the cocktails!

After about the 3rd cup.. (no la, it'll take more than quadruple that to get Haz even a tad tipsy)
... It's time for the real party to begin!
So we hopped into a maxi-cab and headed down to Northbridge.

Had to stop taking pics after the second flash, if not would have been walloped by the cab-driver.
Heh heh.. Mich is a happy bunny!

Time to dance up a storm on the dancefloor!

But not before a few shots.
And after the shots... Which really had no effect whatsoever. So all subsequent quirkiness are totally their own.

You're on!"

Dance-off! Dance-off! Dance-off!
(Like sister, like sister.. Kay Zin really has the grooves, like Noe! Yes, she and Noe's bf came down specially to celebrate her 21st with her!! So.. awww..)

Have no idea why we ended up in a can-can.
Was a crazy night, dancing for 2 hours straight and watching un-straight (if you know what I mean) people make out and feel each other up. Talk about eye-opener. The music was awesome too! An hour of crazy homemade house/techno (which we didn't really fancy) and another hour of mad-fun eighties' punk and nineties' pop! Spice girls, Britney, Abba and Lady Marmalade are our bitches, man..
Was absolute fun partying once in a while. Certainly drew some stares from out outfits.. but who cares. We were there to celebrate with our beloved Noe, who turned 21!
Twas, was time to get back. The Court shuts its doors at 2am, and if we didn't get our booty out by then, they'll let us have it.
Swan Valley
So Mich and Rhyss came down to chill with us. And it was a week of, shall we say, tourist experience. Did loads of stuff and brought them around. Wouldn't have been able to do so much stuff without Sharon and her car. And Jade! Hello, we were supposed to meet up too.. but that neh neh had so much stuff to do, with her film and rugby. Poor thing really.. But, will we never get to see you?
First stop

The lady was really sweet and nice! We tried out different wines and liquor. Them others got themselves bottles of
apricot liquor. Apparently, it's a sell-out. But, meh, it was too sweet for me.
Clar and meself got a bottle of old-vine Shiraz for our dear old dads. Or maybe for myself, ha.. I like red better than white, and Shiraz's one of my faves. So I had to get it! But, I'm sure everyone back home will like it too.
Orggies Ice cream Cafe(No, you didn't read that wrongly, neither did I misspelt it. It really is what it's known as)

Happy day!
Third Stop

Duckstein. Breezy open-concept setting, with loads of toddlers running around. My kind of place. Also, unbelievably tender pork and sausages. And yummy grilled potatoes too! With skin, no less!
Fourth Stop
To the middle of nowhere..

Awww.. Makes me heart tingle, just looking at this picture! I love fall, by the way. The shedding trees are gorgeous!

Insert jumping Mich and Rhyss. They had the excuse, it's a tourist thing to do. haha..

It actually wasn't the middle of nowhere. It was another winery, where I bought a bottle of
Cabernet Merlot. I told you I love reds. Oh yes, that's where the cute guy served us! Ha.. Yes yes.. 5 twenty year olds lusting after a boy like some tweens. We have our moments too.
Fifth, The Margaret River Chocolate Company

Whole warehouse filled with every type of chocolate you desire. And free for tasting too!
Last Stop

The grandest and oldest winery in WA.
Wasn't much.. Just some sight-seeing. And Oohh-ing and Aahh-ing over all the acts who performed there.

That's the green that they'll perform at. Doesn't it look breathtaking?! Ignore the dark bellowing rain clouds, we could not. So it was time to get back!
A fulfilling Saturday, indeed.
And a fulfilling week as well! Catching up with dear class 'table-woman' and project mate, Mich! Hope you enjoyed yourself tremendously. And Rhyss. Nice knowing you! Catch up with you guys in Sg! (drag jade along!)
Now for some randomities.
Had posters sales (again) A few weeks ago.. And these are everything complied over the two sales.

Johnny and James, already up on my wall. (first thing I see every morning I open my eyes)

And then I went way overboard and got another 6. Just could not resist it!
Got 2 for qin. Blah, no Chuck.

(tried to make it portrait, I really did! But I couldn't...)
If any of you guys want posters, tell me! Can get them at next year's posters sale.

Research for Geography individual powerpoint presentation.
Wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was. Really enjoyed myself, with all the preparations and all.

Hypertext was another story.
Absolutely blew my brains out. And this was not even doing the actual thing.. it was just research and mind-mapping! Glad that's over.
So anyway, about 2 more weeks and I'll be back in the sunny (immensely humid and erratic, so I hear) shores of Singapore. Not before 1 and a half weeks of papers, though. Oh wells, at least I have Joanne's coming to look forward to, after the papers!
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