Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yes, another song title. And it's a really annoying but catchy song, which we couldn't get out of our heads days after the 'rivercruise'.
The 'Rivercruise' was fun, for a while. Until they started playing shit music and everyone got drunk and started making out. Fun to watch though.. a tad boring after.. Tsk tsk.. a bunch of wasted college kids. So we began entertaining ourselves!
On the way...

... The theme was 'Pirates', see..

Crazy-ass face!

On board and ready to terrorize!

Looky, it runs on a steam engine! Interesting... Wonder how that would work for a real pirate's ship. Don't they have to other ways to make the ship go faster... Oh, sails. We didn't have that..

I know, I know.. nothing like a pirate. I swear, I regretted not spending effort in dressing the part.. but well, I tried my best. I'm a captured princess! Heh..

Haz is a... Scary pirate-advisor/witch?

Drinking = Death?

Why oh why did I 'skull' with Haz?? Sure lose la.. Look, hers is already empty while mine is still half-filled..

The after-effects. She looks like she's doing the
cha-cha, doesn't she?


Huiren makes the cutest faces!!

And Haz... makes the.. erm, most suggestive faces?

AHAHAHA!!! KJ!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE POSING AGGRESSIVELY! You just look like you're yawning!

O.o Rieko makes cute faces too!

Dear project-mate! Hope we do good, eh Jess?

Haz and her hands. She has this dance move.. and she claims that she can dance to ANY music with her hands/move.. And I have to say, I'm amazed. We tested her theory and it has been proven true! Boyband, rap, love songs, you name it, she'll dance for you!

Birds flying alongside our boat..
I don't know why they do that.. Did they think that the boat was a giant fellow seagull leading the flock?
"Who's that I see?"
Deb and HAZ!

Jerald and Marco sure look the part of pirates... albeit, a tad too friendly.

Awesome night-view of the matilda bay.

... Happily taking pictures.. then..

... Everyone rushed in!

The night had to end some how.. and off we go.
Trinity-themed Dinner- The Oscars
Well, nothing too glamorous about that. It was basically dressing up to for dinner at the dining hall. Dots, I know. But it was fun dressing up.. I just hoped they had more planned to make it more.. I don't know, Oscar-ish? Like paparazzi lined outside the entrance to take pictures and shouting out our names?? Haha.. I live in my own 'lil world, yes I do.

Clar and Haz (resident stylish)
The headband?? All Haz. Clar was moaning about having a bad hair day and Haz just plops a band on her and viola! Rockstar chick!

Look how excited Noe Zin is.. Skipping in like that..

Semi-red carpet shot. Not too bad la. Missing huiren.

There.. 'South' Girls! We should come up with a name or something.
Machiam girlband.

You rock it out, girl!

Yes, we had to accommodate her somehow. Let her feel tall for that few seconds.

Steve: Why you all so tall still wanna wear heels?!

Star-strewn, glitter-peppered table with popcorn for appetizers!

Ha.. and then we jumped to desserts. Awesome pear-shaped ice-cream!

Haz amusing everyone with her 'hands-dance'

HA! Deer caught in headlights!

Look how it perspires...

... Yum yum!


I love this shot! Everyone's posing so nicely..
And then off to 'Cap. S' for traditional after-party.
Smack that ass!

Kay. Too busy having fun to take pictures after some..
Strangely enough, the dance-floor was quite empty for a wednesday night/after dinner crowd. Oh well, we had our fun.

Chinese dance??

Kay, I see steve couldn't be bothered anymore.

Marco '
Cheese...!', Deb '
Eww... Why am I stuck between these 2?!', Shyan '
Shhh...' (His signature move on the court)

Yup, we were taking a break from walking back..

I sense some bromance..

... and more!

.. Sign that we picked off the road and..

... pasted it on our corridor!
Seriously, two nights in a row, not good on one's health. And now, I'm absolutely resolved to change my lifestyle! Good Health, here I come!
Tourist day- Freo
Mad day of shopping and eating and shopping and eating!
Oh, what joy if we could do this every week. But.. heh, work is upon us once again. Assignments and presentations leading us by our noses.
Anyhow... no harm reliving fond memories, I reckon.

Never thought playing chess in public could be this glam. Well, when you compare it to people playing at void decks and parks.. And yes, we weren't actually playing. But that's not the point here.

Picturesque, no?

Ahahaha!! Clar makes cute faces too...
They found the light!

Haz looks scary here.. like she wants to eat up Christine!

I spy with my little eye.. Cheah huiren..

... Taking a picture of us!
Awesome bookshop/vintage-apparel-store. They sell the most exquisite stuff!
Enough walking. NOW FOOD!
Little creatures
Excellent atmosphere.
Yes, those ginormous silver tanks are dispensers for home-made beer!
And we're tired of waiting!! That place was mad-packed. Never ending flow of people queueing to get in for fried food and fantastic beer. And we had to wait for well over 30 minutes.

Hunger leads to anger..

... Leads to

... Leads to insanity?? What so funny on the menu?

... Leads to nonchalance and more

.. Tried to cheer 'em up by doing a lil 'Dr. Hanky'..

Epic Fail! Noe Zin still seems interested in the menu, though.

Sad 'lil' creature..

Amazing Nachos.. Just look at the sauce and toppings!

Can't be bothered to talk anymore.. Everyone dug in! (Am salivating as I type)

Finished in record time! HA. Can't even be bothered to take a proper picture!

That's how good their booze is!
Some random pictures..

So, I woke up this morning and got a shock of my life. Awoke at 7am (I'm trying to adjust to a healthier lifestyle, see) and turned my head out the window to take in the warm beams of sunlight and what do I see, first thing I opened my eyes?! This huge bird sitting on my balcony ledge. I thought of opening the door to take a closer pic, but was afraid to scare it away.. I should have, eh? Seeing how badly it scared me.
I wonder.. does it always roast on my balcony ledge? Cause I never wake so early. Hmm.. Today felt good. I should wake up early everyday. Then I'll see stuff I never get to see. Instead of wasting the half the day sleeping in.

Spider web on my laundry hanger. Loads of spiders here.. and it's a wonder how persistent these spiders are. I destroy them every day. Yet, every morning, there's a new one.

mojito!Haz felt inspired one fine day and off they went to get some barcardi, mint leaves, lime and sugar.. and here we have.. Not bad for home-made stuff.

Balloons released after easter carnival. Heh.. should have let the kids take 'em home, eh?
Suntanning day- Cottesloe
This was during the easter break (I know, long overdue).. And what a major disappointment we got when we reached.
What the shit!That was my reaction. I mean.. hello!! Machiam genting can! It was already noon, mind you. And the fog was spectacularly thick!

Can't even see most of the ocean! Don't know what's up that day.. But we still went down, sulking and whining..
After half an hour, the sun came out and fun ensued.
Paparazzi shots by miss cheah.
Tsk tsk, she came later and was taking pictures of us the whole time, while we gallivanted in the waters!

... as this picture depicts. haha!! I look so comical!

Yay.. clear skies at last.

Meow meow.. yeah, I know.. Why I disappeared for so long then post such a long post. Well, one word,
And believe it or not, I was studying and completing my assignments! Who says Uni is easier than JC?! I seriously beg to differ.
Been racking my brains out from day 1. Alright.. that's an overestimation. Week 2 then.
Can't believe I've been here for 2 months. Feels longer!! And this time away made me realize, that I'M NOT AS INDEPENDENT AS I/PEOPLE THINK I AM!
I mean emotion-wise. Hmm.. I always thought I was damn hard-core.. can just go off and focus on my current state. Like, many experiences in life has shown me to be a nonchalant, detached human being. I could just shut my mind off something and throw everything into a box, close the lid and not think about it anymore. Like ever... And I'm rarely emotional.. Except when it comes to spiritual matters, it's the only time I let my guard down..
I thought I could do the same with this.
Well, not as terrible as 2/3 weeks ago. But homesick, nonetheless. I miss everything! Auntie Alma's food (soup especially) and our deep-conversations, Becky and her stupid teenage stories, daddy and his childish antics.. mommy and her cuteness! Sigh.. MY BED!!! MY TOILET! Yes, my toilet.. I'm going to embrace every part of my toilet when I get back. The toilet bowl even!
THE GANG!!! (I've said this umpteen times.. It's not the same without you guys!)
MY BABY! (Whose birthday is coming up... BABY I MISS YOU!!)
THURSDAY CLUB! (haha.. another 2 hour skype-session?? KRYSTAL ONG, have to go your house for sleepover!)
KELVIN!!!!! Hurry arrange a flight here! Been eons since we HTH! Actually no. It was just a week ago. Heh..
Not that life isn't good here, I know I deffo am not missing sg's weather, but it's just different.
Starting new health regime this week. Shall see how that goes, eh?
8:00:00 PM