I've been sitting
Sunday, March 29, 2009
... watching life pass from the sidelines..
Just updating to let y'all know that I'm still alive and well. (clar keep telling me to go online, to SHOW people that I'm still alive..)
Yup, another post titled by lyrics. And this one's from 'August Rush', called This Time. By Jonathan Rhys Meyers!!! Oh, the joy when I heard him sing in the movie! Actually, that's pretty much the highlight of the entire movie for me. (sorry joanne! I know you loved the movie!)
ahh.. ermm.. I haven't been blogging for so long, I don't know how to anymore.
School's been pretty busy. And next week's going to be a death week. Honestly.. 1 essay, 1 folio outline, 1 paper, and 1 presentation. But when I compare to people back home.. like not a lot leh. Ah well.. I just hope I get through next week safely and then it's EASTER BREAK! And meeting up with YJ, of course.
To further demonstrate my gratitude for helping me bring stuff over.. I'm thanking you here! THANK YOU, BOSSMAN!
Aww.. Homecoming at XMS is tomorrow and I can't be there! With the gang and all. It sucks! I know I haven't been contacting you guys.. Meh, I'm such an inert, bad friend.. but yeah, I'm fine!
And well..
Nothing much happened..
Last week was winter-stuff-shopping! Not that winter is coming anytime soon. It's still getting pretty chilly here. 2 consecutive days of shopping, pretty productive I'd say.
At (some back alley of) Freo
Oh gosh, the clear skies, sun and waves was exactly what I needed to perk up my week. Felt completely refreshed after the walk around Freo. And what's more, cell at night.. Just what the doctor prescribed.
2 months have just flown by and it's like.. Weird. I don't know how to describe it.. it's almost like an out of body experience. Like I'm not really leading this life, just sitting watching life pass by. Not to imply that I've been inactive, but more so.. watching my life pass by in a 'Wow, it's really happening' kind of way.
I think some part of my brain got disconnected along with the change of weather.. I feel very sedated these days and not thinking much.. just do dO DO! Or maybe it's just this crunch-time period when I'm getting all paranoid about stuff. Essay and folio.. Gah gah..
As we say here, "blame it all on the weather!"
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds...
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back? Could I get you off my mind?
This time..
8:21:00 PM
She's got electric boots, and a mohair suit
Monday, March 23, 2009
You know I read it in a magazineOh, Bennie and the Jets~
I'm addicted to this song!
I know. Title-ling my posts with song lyrics? But that's cause it's my main source of entertainment now! And thanks to the awesome creation that is 'Shakespeer', I get to 'share' (if you know what I mean) endless supply of movies, songs, TV drama-s with the rest of college! And my playlist, I'm pleased to say, expanded by quite a fair bit. Easy access to quality music, I can't ask for more.
I realised that it is so very important to be self-centered. At times. Whatever do I mean by that?
Doesn't it hit you that you won't be getting anywhere if you're not outshining everyone else? I mean.. that's the world for you. And some are self-absorbed enough to propel themselves forcefully into the scope of vision of others. That's the only way they know how to motivate themselves to be the best. Sapping on their oversized ego.
No matter what it takes, you just have to go all out, even if it means you talk a whole load of crap in class, to show that you're getting involved.
I honestly hope for a different world. Where we better ourselves for the sake of helping others. And that should be our real motivation.
It is important to be self-centered, but not in that sense that we all know. More so, self-worth. Having full faith in yourself, and being the best person you can possibly be.
So anyway, I watched this film, 'Donnie Darko' for my Screen and Print Culture unit. And I have to say.. It is the most mind-boggling, scary yet strangely satisfying film I've ever seen. I absolutely LOVE it!
Not going to spoil anyone's experience, if you're even considering watching this cult film. Which by the way, bombed big-time in the box office when it was released back in 2001 because of the abstract take and bad-timing. (9/11 incident) But it has since won legions of fans all over the world, with late-night movie screenings and the release of dvd.
I would say, though, that it left me thinking a whole deal. About different aspects of life and death.. and also figuring out what the hell is the actual plot. On second thought, I don't think I want to figure that out.. I quite like the freedom I have now to choose whichever path (in terms of how the story goes in the film) I want. So I don't think I'm going to watch the director's cut version anytime soon.
I do, however, anticipate that not everyone's going to like the film.. It's one of those that you either love or hate. Or simply turned off by it.. because it doesn't make any sense, at first glance.
Kudos to Richard Kelly for producing such an irrelevant (well, not completely), tasteful piece of art. And his first film too! Amazing. And for casting Jake Gyllenhaal, who's psychotically delightful as the lead.
To my major dismay, I found out about the release of 'S. Darko' later this month. It's supposed to be a sequel to 'Donnie Darko' and I absolutely abhor the idea of making a sequel of such a one-of-a-kind picture.
What's more? The director of 'S. Darko' claims to be a fan of Richard Kelly and is attempting to replicate the awesome-ness of it's preluding film. The problem is, he's catering to the masses! And because it's Hollywood, they're going to have a cliche ending! He's so going to destroy the essence of 'Donnie Darko'.
Vehement as I may sound, I'm not going to completely discount this coming film. I will still hold on to my reservations about it.. But I can't just flick it off without giving it a chance, right?
(the other film for this unit is 'Minority Report' I HATED IT! Primarily because of Tom Cruise and the ending. Otherwise, I thought the suspense/script and editing were awesome, and the soundtrack of course.. my beloved John Williams.)
Of course, who can hate the song at the end of 'Donnie Darko'?!
'Mad World'- Gary Jules
Another song I'm addicted to at the moment. Believe it or not, I have 3 versions of this song! And my favourite is the original one by 'Tears for Fears'.. Ahh.. reminiscing the eighties! (though I haven't lived a whole deal in that decade.. I love that era) The other one by 'The Red Paintings' is cool too. It has the indie vibe to it.
When people run in circles
It's a very very mad world
Freaking 13 degrees celsius now!
12:22:00 AM
In the Center of the City...
Monday, March 16, 2009
... there's roast meat waiting for you..
Completely random.. But it's my fave song for the moment. The actual title is 'Shadowplay' by The Killers. In fact, I love all their pieces! Listening to them never fail to make me happy and calm, and contented. Right now, I'm hungry too. Nothing to do with the band.
I did promise pictures.
And pictures I have!
These are from way back, though.. there's still Cottesloe with Hui Ren and Clar's 2nd Birthday surprise.
After shopping at iKea.. While we were waiting for the bus.

Amazing sunset!

Amazing (attempt to smile) squint. Faith looks so cute, hiding behind the pillow!

Khairul, you look gay la.
... the following are just random shots.
And.. I walk pass it everyday.. not into it! I only have one tute in it! The rest are all in Arts building, which is not too shabby as well. It's the home for UWA residential peacocks/pea-hens too!
My first time doing laundry..

Naturally, I had to take a picture of this life-changing experience!

And lucky I have Noe Zin and Clar to help me! I felt so noob, please..
Me: err.. this goes where? (holding the token)
Clar: Just slot it in.. (points to slot)
Me: Right.. (tries her hardest to get the odd-shaped token in.. but fails)
Clar and Noe: ...
Me: what am I doing wrong?!
Clar: (takes the token and flip it around) There.. (token fits in.. water start to load )
Me: Oh. (pauses and recalls something) EHHH!! Haven't put softener!
Clar and Noe: (facepalms*) deborah.. wait. You have to wait for the water to load.
Me: Oh.
Noe: Marley...
(inside joke... Actually she didn't call me that then.. I just included to show that they can't stop calling my marley now, everytime I do something.. out of blur-ness!)

Me likes the lil corner of the corridor. And this is the view of the other rooms, from that lil corner.

I never thought I would live to see the day after, during this ride from Marco.
Kidding la. He's a safe driver.. just that his car.. and so 'beng' (picture this- booming engines, chinese techno blasting from his enhanced speakers, blue lights installed in random parts of his car to give the 'effect').. I felt like someone was going to come up to us and challenge or something.
Oh, this was on our way to Mandura for crabbing.

EPIC FAIL! (in clar's words)Wanted to take one of everyone taking a break from the ride... and the line of cars.. But it was too dark!)

Do you see what I see??
Sorry, being annoying.
Was trying to capture the amazing star-strewn sky. But it was, again, an epic failure. But, believe me, the night sky was exactly the same as the scene from POTC 3 when they sailed through the night before going into the other world! Plus the water was reflecting all the stars.. We were surrounded by stars.. literally!

Outside Burswood theatre, after Phantom.

Amazing right?? The moon's up so high even before the sun sets!

The booklet was A$20. No way in hell was I going to pay for it! OHOH!!
Roaul (alexander Lewis) was awesome! So charming and tall and when he sings the duet "All I Ask of You" with
christine.. sighs..

Printer at Architecture building..
To show you exactly how big it is..

.. Goodness! It's as big as Clar!
Multi-coloured apples! (plus Mackie..)
I'm supposed to get cracking on my short story.. But I'm heading no where! I do feel more at ease, after the lecture today though.. Apparently, it's okay and normal for writers to be heading no where, initially. That's the key word, yeah.. initially.
But blogging is a way of practicing my writing I guess. Hmm.. then why does it sound like a miserably weak excuse?
11:28:00 PM
Sunday, March 08, 2009
It's frightening how easily my waterworks turn on these days.
Don't worry, dear readers.. for these are 'happy' tears. Well, not exactly.. What I meant, is that I'm not severely depressed or suffering from any form of syndrome. It's just that the past week, I've been emotional. (now, why is that? I thought I was perpetually detached from any sort of feelings forever) Or rather, emotional events pop up and I go.. bawling my eyes out.
Most recently, about 3+ hours ago, 'Marley & Me'! It's such a tear-jerker! And I sort of refrained from it.. (like how I did for 'Twilight', initially.) Because well, I thought it was just another tear-jerker. But, boy was I wrong! It's a really good one. (as a movie itself, not comparing to the book here) I mean the transition of life and the meaning of family.. Meh.
And then during cell last night.
Sighs.. The words that Allison spoke just pierced right into my heart. It was as if she turned on the switch in my head. (no Hui ren, clar, noe zin, and Haz, not meaning that I didn't use my brain before, okay!) The switch that got switched off long time ago and wouldn't budge. I so needed to hear that and take in all the encouragement. It's amazing, because it's not directly to me.. but somehow like it was planned!
Earlier this week, or late last week. Aye, don't wanna go there. Yeah, qin, I think you should know what I'm talking about.
Maybe it's cause I didn't have enough sleep this past week. I read it somewhere that the amount of sleep affects the way you perceive things and that you tend to be more emotional.
Moving on.
Had a really fun time today and yesterday.
Eh, actually I have like loads to update about?? But I don't really remember the details now! Hmm, there was
Movies at Burswood (double feature-'Marley & Me' and 'Bride Wars')
crabbing at Mundura
eating the crabs that we caught
beach vball at an outdoor court. In the middle of suburbs. (yeah! As in.. real professional sandy courts along the streets!)
beach day-out (totally going to boycott Siloso after Cottesloe, unless absolutely necessary)
'PHANTOM OF THE OPERA'! (how can I forget?!)
meeting cool peeps in tutes
crazy load of readings (I know I've been going on about this. Just let me rant..)
Ah well, the fun outweighs the work.. (for now.. And I'm hoping it stays this way, at least til mid-sem).. can't complain, can I?
Right. Pics up soon, I hope.
"Something old, something new.
.. Something borrowed, something blue"
"... and a silver sixpence in her shoe.."
12:17:00 AM