Friday, February 27, 2009
I. Am. So. Dead.
Okay.. that was how I felt before dinner.. when I logged onto Webct (finally) and got a hold of all my readings. Hello! It's only week 1! Man, just thinking about the massive pile makes me shudder!
But.. I've accepted it (over dinner, yeah), with clarissa's persuasion, that's it's managable. Actually it was more of her psychotic ways that forced me into agreeing with her.. (kidding!)
I need to do something dangerous.. before I lose my mind here. Maybe jump off a cliff.
Nay, I shall just get my toe clipped off by a crab later. Hope the waters isn't too cold.. and that it doesn't stink as badly as legend says.
PS. JADE!! I WANNA SNUGGLE UP TO UP AGAIN! heh.. I meant, we should meet up again. erm.. yeah..
6:16:00 PM
Thus far
Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's going to talk a while for me to get used to studying.
Seriously.. readings are piling in!! Either that or I'm just being paranoid.. It's been so long since I studied, and I'm feeling handicapped.
Whoever said Uni is going to be easier than JC is a LIAR!!
Alright.. other than that.. the days have been going well. Still adapting, peeps are helping me along and I'm damn grateful. What I'm not getting used to is the sudden drop in temperature within 2 days. And it actually rained in Perth! As I'm typing, I can literally feel my fingers freezing up and getting ready to drop off.
Anyhow, college life is a whole different dimension by itself.
Having a fire drill at 6 in the morning, standing in the 10 degrees celsius cold in nothing but fbt and saints shirt, after a night of partying.. is so not how I want to start my day-off.
Oh wells, life goes on.

Commencement dinner.
South Sharks 3rd floor!!
Glad I went in the end. It's like.. part and parcel of college life which I wouldn't wanna miss out on.

Yeah, Noe Zin was just that little bit off.

Haz and Noe skipping their way to 'Cat S' (I have no idea how it's spelt)
I highly suspect that Haz was supporting Noe.

Ahaha!! Classic pic! Noe's like staring at huiren's booby and Steve just happy! Overly happy, might I add. Huiren, being her usual hyper self.

Cheers y'all!
I really hope the weather warms up. It's the middle of summer, for goodness' sake!
8:59:00 PM
How's it going?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Finally, internet (the legal one) is configured for me!
I really have not much to blog about. As in.. I don't have my thoughts all gathered yet. But pictures to describe my past week here, yes?
Went to Burswood outdoor theatre last night. It was AWESOME! Exactly the type of atmosphere I crave. Sky dotted with countless twinklies, lounging on cool-ass bean bags and totally absorbed in old-school movies.
'The Tale of Despereaux'. Quite a good animation, I'd say.. Albeit being a tad draggy. The morals were nice though.
And I was thoroughly entertained pre-movie..

.. cause of these 2 kiddies!

So adorable! They were running around, making up stories.. Wish I could do that still.

There. Before nightfall..
Last week, I was at Cottesloe Beach. Just walking around. And 1 thing I noticed about Perth is that there are no small birds. All the avian beings are really huge. Only 1 week after my arrival did I spot a pigeon.
And somehow, the birds look really.. stupid.

... like this seagull here. Actually it looks really evil here.. As if it's scheming around.

Oh, the joy! If I could take in this view everyday.

Peihan posing with the rest of the beautiful white shore.. But do you see what I see?

The waters are also super clean and blue.
Now back to my room.

Notes from the girls already pinned up! And my really nice neighbour Noe Zin!

There.. Old-school woody yet homely room.. Yes, I just woke up and couldn't be bothered with packing my bed.
Hopefully, my thought can get gathered soon for a proper post, yea?
9:44:00 AM
Is this real-life..???
Friday, February 06, 2009
Oh MAN!! Everybody, go watch
this vid.. It's so freaking funny! So on par with '
Blood Baby'!
It's taken from
pinkisthenewblog, only my favourite daily source entertainment and glimpse into the fake and fab world that is hollywood..
What children say on average is already so cute.. when one is 'high' on GA, it's too cute to handle! Poor kid, though. Being so confused and all.
Anyhoo.. it's been great catching up with people the past 2 weeks. Thanks y'all for taking the time out from your really hectic schedule to spend more time with me!
Desmond, I know you're reading this!! You sneaky blog-stalker! Haha..
Glad we at least met up a few times, to catch up and talk rubbish. Never knew reminiscing about a past relationship could be such a laugh. Don't miss me! =)
A2, you know I love you guys!
Though that night was filled with numerous unglam moments.. (picture krystal screaming,"BOON LIANG!" upon seeing him.. in the MIDDLE OF RAFFLES CITY ENTRANCE. I swear, everyone in that vicinity.. and it was after-work, mind you.. turning to stare at us.. taz, clar and myself decided to escape while we still could) ... I really had a whole lotta fun. *beams*
The 'Gang'...
There are no other names I can think of for this particular group of secondary school friends. (mostly because YJ is the bossman.. heh) I tell you, one of the many things I'm going to miss is having almost-weekly dinner/gossip session/catching up with them. Meh.. really you know. I'm so so glad I got to know each and everyone of them more during the course of the past 2 years.
Texas Hold 'em was ownage stuff!
Next year I'll come prepared with plenty coins.. so I can play all day!
you know who you guys are.. Man, I don't know what I would do without you guys, physically in my life. And I don't wanna think about it now. Gah!
Baby! Wait for me!! And and.. we'll go back to Tioman to have another honeymoon!! It'll be our anniversary! OH NO!! JY is going to have an unfair advantage while I'm not in Sg..! I've to eliminate the enemy! kidding. or not.
Jess.. Yeah, I know I said I won't miss you guys. But who am I kidding, right? You know, I know.. that's enough. =) My partner in class for 2 years! We shall skype and find our optimal 'high' time and have mad laughter for hours okay!
Joanne-no-knee!! I think it's cool we unknowingly form this unspoken 'thing'.. I guess most people would call that friendship.. but it's more than that. It's like, I have no way of explaining it but yeah.. it's like telepathy or smth.. always there for each other, whenever we need an ear or shoulder. Meow-sigh~ I'm so going to think of you whenever I say that! =)
qin.. meh meh. whelps, what more can I add and say? My best friend who has seen every part of me. Figuratively.. not literally. I know it's harder on you, than it is on me. But.. we'll get through this, I'm sure. I'm anticipating the many more years to come, okay!
Cell!! Last cell tmr! How?! Over the past 2+ years, I've grown comfortable and contented.. (not comfortable enough that you can pounce on me suddenly, while citing the act as hugging, Tiff!) build friendships, form confidantes.. Growing together.. helping me along the way. And I'm glad for Faith, who'll be there to bring me around and settle me, somehow. (she's so nice!! Offer to bring me go have dinner on my first day!) What an apt timing, don't you think?
Daddy and mommy.. I don't even want to go there man. To that place, where I'm all alone with my thoughts and nothing else. When I think about the moment when I have to part with you two. Okay... stop! I'm not going there.. so yes, all fine and dandy.
Becky, haiya, you already have an entire post all to yourself!
This was supposed to be a short short post about 'David after dentist' vid.
Oh well.. dinner awaits.
8:41:00 PM