The end is not near, it's here...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Indeed... It's right here... 24 more hours to 2009!
(Speaking of which, I totally dig the song by
'Band of Horses' titled
'The end is not near'... I think it's the song for the start of season 4, when everyone was mourning Marissa's death.. my point being, awesome songs from
'The OC')
I would really like to write an entire entry about this year. How it has been, what I've learnt.. etc etc.. But I'm dead sick (way to start a new year) and am seriously lacking in sleep due to work (who the heck works during holiday season?! Ah well, for the sake of my aunt who needs help..) .
Hence, this is going to be like any other post, with photos and updates.
The latest one...
Sad to say, is that I failed my driving test!

Seriously, I cannot believe that I 'mount curb' at the very last obstacle! And only 8 demerit points! This is so... wasted.
I'll pass the next time, by hook or crook.
Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Blessing for the other drivers out there... cause it might be a sign that I'm not ready to drive.
And daddy (he was saying I wasn't ready yet) had to be smug about it with his message, "
I heard you didn't pass your test. Ha."Double meh..
Moving on...
Christmas has been good! Damn good, a'ight!
Despite having to plan out so many stuff with the cell and baby for respective parties, I had the most fun before, during and after the parties.
My HopeBefore I start, props to Camy for overseeing a very successful party! And seriously, with everyone pitching in, it was smooth and well-executed. (from comments that I gathered)

Becks decorating, basically making herself useful. I never thought I'd live to see the day.

That's Camy preparing our name tags.

Registration booth!
(ic- Camy and Gerry)

Qin designing her own bauble.

With my disgruntled daddy.
("why so serious?")

Ice-breakers, followed by very exciting 'Don't forget the Lyrics' and carolling!
Plus Olivia Tan's Testinomy/vid..

One big family~

I love you girls~
Now, where the heck is Janelle and Camy?

Sarah with her 2 very cute boys.
They were constantly bombarded with us going, "so cute SO CUTE!!", who then proceeded to pinch them in the cheek and plant wet slobbery kisses all over them. Okay, kidding. About the pinching and kisses.

So there is the master chef (aka food ic), Janelle.

..and Camy.. Trying to murder plants.

Mindy: Eh look, deb wet her pants!
Me: Oops~
Shuf: OOO...where where??
Shirnlyn: Where? Don't have la, tsk..
Mindy: kay, false alarm..

Aha... have no idea what mindy was up to..

We arezzssxx da Chio-estzzxszz!

Amazing photog skills by Hubby. Shouldn't underestimate him, huh..
All in all, it was good company, good fun. And I believe God's presence was in every single corner of the house, blessing all of us and speaking to us.
Prep for "4E4 Party of the Year!"
Hello~ Planning for this party was not an easy feat. AT ALL! Just ask baby and qin. We had like don't-know-how-many dinner/gathering/discussions with the gang before going out to get our materials and costumes.
Everyone chipped in ideas for games and logistics, of course.. and thankfully everyone was sporting enough to come in the most outrageous costumes! (pics of those later)
(**oh, I want to take this opportunity to thank JY for lugging the tree and drinks back. YJ for coming up with the IT party idea. baby for brainstorming so many things! and spending your precious time with me!! Haha... qin, baby and JY for coming up with the categories of 'VOTE FOR...' The guys for manual labour, whenever needed. Everyone else for suggesting games during said numerous dinner. Yinning for suggesting 'I'd never' when we were all stoned. Everyone again for making it possible and for fuifiling its title of 'IT' party of 4E4..! )
And a day before the party, Jo, qin and myself headed down to Aliwal Street to finalise our looks for the party.

Check out THAT sexyback..!

Our massive stash.
Waiting outside, at 'Aston's' was beyond tortureous! We were so famish after hunting through the costumes and getting our logs that we headed down to B1 for snacks before 'Twilight'!
I have to say, I don't quite fancy the subtle romance-development between Edward and Bella as portrayed in the film. It should have been more... desperate and yearning, somehow?
And and.. I was looking out for the parts where Edward and Bella have their cute little banters.. and more. Was disappointed.
The baseball ball scene (with Muse's 'Supermassive Blackhole' to add to its awesome-ness) and the fight scene was good, though.
Am going to watch it with Becky tmr to get a better perspective of it.
It's always better the second time.
(taz! I don't mind watching it the 3rd time with you! Yup, I've gone 'geela')

Okay, random pic of lappys' sleeves. Guess which is whose?
4E4 Party of the Year!
I just had to start it off with this pic..
Howdy~Doesn't she look all sweet strumming away. JY, fyi, she was serenading to me! Yes, while I fish out the curling stuff out of my hair in the background.

Jo and Jess. I wonder if our costumes is actually our alter ego.
Jo is certainly a love goddess inside, and Jess is really a fairy deep down.

If so, then I'm a mama-san wannabe!
I think I am... there's no denying it.

And baby's a hot-ass cow girl. All that's lacking is a lasso... used to do very very naugh... Okay, I'll stop.

And qin's a sexy
santarina?! Chingyee certainly looks the part of a

...And Yinning is a mad scientist, ala

Bah.. he's not a cowboy. He just thought that by dressing up to match baby, he'll win!
(I have no idea when this ridiculous battle for HJ between jy and me is going to end..or where it's heading.. But it's fun. Being stupid, that is.)

...JiaJun is an aspiring terrorist and Elias an understudy of
Indiana Jones..

...erm, policeman Damien is secretly a Clerk?!



Caiying and KOBE! This has got to be
THE moment of the night. When they came out, all of us were speechless and breathless... due to excessive mad laughter.
Well, at least one of the
2 moments of the night. The other one is when Eric and Yinning professed their real love for each other! *Gasps gasps!* (for full detail pls refer to jeen's blog)

And throughout the night, he was immersed in the role. So deep down, he's caiying??

Spot the
It's honestly my worst nightmare, apart from piles of live lizards dropping off the ceiling onto me. But I totally dig the movie. It's the only american teen-horror that I find worthy of the big screen.
And yeah, Yj IS a nightmare. Not his alter-ego, alright..
(oh yes, for a blow by blow account of the amazing party and all its fabulous games and stuff, refer to jeen's & YJ's blog. Vids of our impromtu skits available on Yj's)

The best truffle I've ever tasted! Courtesy of daddy and mommy for ordering from Sicc.

Happy nineteenth, girl!

And merry Christmas to all of us.. and you!

Accidental psychedellic shot to bid goodbye to 4E4's Party of the Year. Til next year!
Gifts & Cards
Sigh, I'm such a bad friend! All the girlies gave me handmade/handwritten cards, saved for myself!


Jess' classic paperchase.

Jo's annual handmade. (pretty as always)

Baby's super slutty gift to me, as my secret santa!
My oh my... So this is what she fancies.. ( I have no idea how to wear that thong and be okay with it.. I'm all for boxers, thongs cuts you off. But for baby, I'll do anything!)

... and she provided this as... as... haha..nah! She's most prob expecting smooth supple skin.

Qin's prez to me! Oh Mien!! Love it, love it, love it!
And she's right, I had no idea what it is up til the moment I unwrapped it.

... plus homemade cookies! I think we're reversing our roles as housewife-wannabe.

See how shiny and gold it is???

.. I almost skipped around all day with glee! Jo understands me so well! I've been eyeing this jacket for some time now. And she didn't even let up when we saw Mabel wearing the exact same one the day before! Thank you JOJO!

Finally got my hands on this! And mommy bought them as a Christmas gift! I've been waiting for it to go on sale since late may this year. Ha! Finally got them!

Not to be outdone.. Daddy gave this...
Ta-dah! There is a saying that "diamonds are a girl's best friend."
And another saying, "The only man a girl should only love and trust is her dad."
Well, if daddy is providing me a 'best friend', then these 2 sayings certainly add up.
Thank you, daddy, once again!

My gifts to others.
Most certainly, Christmas is a season of giving and more importantly, thanksgiving.
This time, it was near perfect... and I'm content as content can be.
11:09:00 PM