The 'lil things get to me
Thursday, November 27, 2008
(in case you don't already know, it's my new way of greeting people in the cyber-world. Either that or is an expression of frustration/nonchalance. I'm not a cat person at all, and I don't know why I start using it... I just don't. Meh)
Anyways, yes, the little things get to me... The question is why do I let them?
Spoiled my entire morning.
But I'm okay now... After moping the tragedy that is Arsenal, Mackie and Summer.... But Summer's okay now. It's annoying how they like to play tricks on me and make me feel so... Annoyed!
As for Arsenal... We'll see how it goes this weekend then.
On the upside, the past week (including last night's movie marathon) has been good to me. And those are the little 'good' things that makes me smile.
God has terrific timing, as always. Just when I was raging on on my little hissy fit this morning, I remembered a certain 'Charles & Keith' warehouse sales to be ravaged in about an hour, pre-arranged with mommy.
And boy, it ain't called retail therapy for nothing! I felt a whole lot better.
( Girls, if comfortable, affordable, trendy shoes are your thing, go to their warehouse sales! And hurry up!! Stocks are really going out fast. It's at their HQ along paya lebar. You should see the throngs of women out in full force during their lunch break just now. Madness, as if don't need money. )
Oh yes, and the rediscovery of 'Muse'! I totally dig them okay! Joanne said their concert sounded and looked satanic, though.
Tiffany and myself would very much like to refute on that claim. No matter, it's just a first impression that people have.
Okay, I'm off to have a satisfying lunch before I hit the sack. I'm 80% sure that this rush of emotion I had just experienced (ie, hissy fit) is all caused by PMS.
I would be pulling my uterus out now, if not for the fact that I want children sometime in the future. Suffering from all these must be worth it.
Alright, that's the mean-deb speaking.
1:28:00 PM
How could I forget
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Yes... How could I?
What an evening to remember..
After a disasterous fortnight for the Gunners, they're back! Bigger and better!
Those newspapers prediction and analysis.. to hell with them! Nothing matters more than the actual game itself. And the results... 2-1 to Arsenal!

Despite the long rest in So-cal... Ronaldo ain't up to his top form. He is a little brown-out, don't you think? Too much tanning?

The Man! Could have been better with a hattrick.. But hey. it's still a victory for them!

What the heck.. Push my Fabby!

Yay!! Victory lap!
Kays I'm like really bored right now.. so just bear with all these photologs for a while longer..
4:21:00 PM
A short Photolog
Shiver-me-TIMBRE!Heh... had a wonderful night with the gang. Just chilling and going crazy. We should, as lyj suggests, meet up later, so we can stay out later!
And yes, let's try a new place.
Next time 'NewAsia Bar'!!

I'm no big fan of 'absolut'... But this was a'ight. Next time we should bring our own drinks instead of getting ripped off!

I was testing out the different modes on 'Lady Noble Brown' (new cam) and I really like the effect of this twilight mode.

Baby is ever-ready..

The soon-to-be-wasted.

LYJ, you know I hate you. Still give me this kind of face!

The band is coolio! I really dig their song choices, just that the female lead could have been a tad louder. She was overpowered by the band. The guy's voice was really good though. This is the life... Good food, good music, good company...

Jojo ( i know you don't like me calling you that but still..) and I

Baby and her boy... she's already half-gone! (but not as gone as a certain someone...)

Baby and me!

Joanne and Weiying... If you notice the previous photos... all couples.. (yeah, hj is two-timing!! heh) Don't they look happy?? Together??

The Bossman is a happy man...

... So is Weiying..

The girls

The guys

The gang (minus some)
Sentosa with Becky

Perfect weather okay! Mommy, you still say going to be a wasted trip cause it's raining... It was initially... but then the sun came out and it was sunshine galour all the way!
It was suprisingly fun, just the 2 of us. And her vball is surprising good! Tsk, should have forced her to join vball.
Ah ha... Sister-bonding time.

See... Fine fair weather... with hot guys to boot!

Ginormous Christmas tree at Vivo's 'balcony'

I know Krystal would die to have her very own life-size, 3D pumpkin carriage.. heh
Yays! Christmas is upon us again!
11:45:00 AM
He the man!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Earlier this week, America experienced a major history-in-the-making moment. And I expect it to be very significant to many minority groups there. Even to the majority... I never thought I'd live to see the day america votes for an Afro-american president.
Change has come!
And nothing is impossible..
Some pics of the Obama family on election day.

After the official release of the polls...

He the man! the full vid of his victory speech. Awe-inspiring and brought me close to tears!
11:51:00 PM
America Decided
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well, hasn't officially been handed over the keys to The Oval, but the projected polls clearly states him as the uncontested winner.
284 vs 146.
(electoral polls)
Totally owns the republican.
Owns is an understatement.. I mean, there in California, people are slotting in the votes...the total still being counted (no really necessary seeing that it is a sure-win for the democrats), and Obama has already won! In the east coast, people are celebrating already!
I'm so elated with this win. Here I am, in Singapore, sitting in front of my tv since 9 in the morning, following intently for any hints of the McCain party bucking the trend. Well, no need for such heart attack... Because Obama won!
And I have full faith in Obama to the leader who will bring that positive change to the world.
More importantly, at this point of time, repair the monumental damages (US$ 700 bil, to be exact) caused by the financial debt crisis. And during his term, ensure that no more of such nonsense happen. (I mean, borrowing with money you don't have, not cool, bush admistration...)
Okay... shall follow up on his address speech later on...
So exciting!
12:02:00 PM