Miracle 'water'
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
No, not SK II...Honey water!
Yesterday I was feeling very much under the weather, throat sore, forehead feverish, dry mouth, all sorts of discomfort in my joints. It was so bad (bad because it has been very long since I fell sick, and have forgotten how miserable it is to be ill), I was whining to my sis, "Becky...I'm dying.I can see the light.."
She retorted,"Haiya, if you are going to die you would have died long ago! Now go and sleep, I have geography (paper) tomorrow!"
I continued to pester her until she turned her back to me and ignored my cries of despair.
I know I've lost my marbles when my sister ignores me.
So I went down and scooped a spoonful of honey (Manuka Honey okay..don't play play..) and poured a glass of water. Brought them up, and took my 'medicine' while I continued to whine to her. For the record, she didn't waste time entertaining me, and was asleep about 10 secs later.
I took honey in hopes of curing my sorethroat...but what do you know? I feel ten times stronger this morning already!
Or maybe, it's the prospect of meeting my babyjeen for a shopping spree at 'River Island' later that saved me from the jaws of death!
12:01:00 PM
I'm Ridin'
Friday, September 19, 2008
" When you are surfing and there's a big wave coming your way, you can either catch and ride it or be overwhelmed by it. Rise above your problems and ride them to victory rather than let them drown you."
Yes, many many problems are coming my way... all like a 20 feet wall coming straight at me.
I am so glad that that I finally crack and let up last saturday. Thanks Janelle for listening to my imperceivable crap and for praying. I can see so much more clearly now that I'm a 'work in progress' and God is breaking me.I can say now with that much more assurance that He is taking me by the hand and guiding to wherever He may lead..and I will gladly follow.
Of course I hope everything ends soon and I can be free of worry, but however long it may take, I will be still and listen.
I choose to ride it out...though it may still be a 'lil overwhelming..I choose to ride it all the way back to the shores.

On another note, spending way too much time with my cousins lately..SiHan and Ying Jie. Good times.. And all our little gathering includes the noble art of stuffing ourselves to the max. First with eat-all-you-can japanese buffet and then dinner at my house (auntie alma's cooking never fail to disappoint) plus homemade dessert that probably had about 2000 calories each, all in our bellies now. We should really do this more..
And HUBBY!!!!!! Cousin Kelvin...who is going to fly to Switzerland and Paris ( It is paris right?) for his first few jobs!! Lucky fellow. Bring some good stuff back for your wife hor!
Daddy!! Quick come back...we all miss you terribly. And mommy!! Thanks for all the trouble you've been going through the entire week to help me. And since we're on family...Becky Ng Wei Qi!! Study hard for just that next few weeks!! I can see you've finally 'kai qiao' just that little bit..just carry on enjoying what you are doing now!
Okay..that's that..happy that ducklings and 1/2 of thursday club are having recess break next week. Can't wait can't wait..!
12:51:00 AM
It's Britney, bitch!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

OH AM GEE!!!! The Britney we all know and love is back! Damn right, she is! Winning 3 spacemen at this year's MTV VMA. And mind you, despite getting nominated 16 times for almost a decade, this is her first time winning anything! She looked absolutely fly and was picture perfect, both on stage and her current lifestyle.
Sigh, I always knew this day would come, even through her crazy-shaved-head-smashing-car windows-driving-with-her-sons-on-her-lap-flashing-herself-neon-bras-suspicious-papparazo-friend phase.. She's looking absolutely smashing, and it's about time too! I feel safe knowing that she's once again in her former manager's (larry rudolph) hands..and all that she's focusing on are her two sons (sean preston and jayden james) and making great videos like 'Piece of Me'

Yes siree, this vid won her 3 titles, 'Best Female Video', 'Best Pop Video' and 'Video of The Year'!

"I'm back, yo'll"
12:20:00 AM