A Trip Back to Ancient Greece
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Headed down to National Musuem on Saturday, cause qin said don't want to come over and rot. So we thought for the longest time, and I remembered the Straits Time article some time ago, promoting this particular exhibition. I'm a genius!!
Right, anyway, for $7.50, it was truly worth it. And this $7.50 includes another entry into the Singapore history gallery. Why so cheap?? Cause it's student's price! Must use this privilege to the fullest! Otherwise it would be $10.
And it's really accessible too. Just walk from Dhoby station towards The Cathy, and then walk towards SMU..Then you'll see this..

..the back of the musuem..qin said I looked like a tourist when taking this picture. because I was so excited..yeah I know, very 'suaku'..but I haven't been to the musuem for so long!
The start of the exhibition!!

These art pieces lined along the corrider, leading up to the actual gallery, are done by mainly year 2 students from NAFA. And it's coolness.

At the entrance, a map which depicts ancient Greece.

You can identify Sparta- '300', and Thelssy and Troy, how they fought the war by sending the thousands of fleets of ships to troy across the Aegean sea, which is 'Love Sea' (Ai Qin Hai) when translated to mandrian.

This is Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom. Apparently, every army wishes for her to be by their side instead of Ares, God of War. Because Athena has wisdom!! So she grants foolproof strategies which ensures victories.The other heads on her left are also her. The head on her body now is thought to be the best fit..yes, this statue was beheaded. And the original one is made of wood which stands at 12m! That statue was used as a treasury as well as a place of worship, in the past. See, the 12m statue of her was made in nude and gold was used for her drapery. So in times of economic crisis, the 'bankers' simply take some of the gold drapery and melt it!

This un-named woman is supposed to be one of Zeus' lover (he had aplenty!!), sitting on the steps of his palace, i guess. The interesting part of it all is that I waited for about 30 mins to get the lion behind in this picture, completely unobstructed by other visitors. No, actually, this statue shows how sophisticated marble carvings were at that time (about 1 century), with all the drapery falling around her in perfect layers and the sensuality of her facial expression. The lion is really one of a pair which is often placed on top of graves to act as protection for the dead. Strangely similar to chinese's culture..

This has got to be either the saddest love story of all time or the stupidest (in qin's words..) The story goes like this, young couple Orphues and Eurydice were very very much in love, and married, but the bliss was short-lived. Eurydice died shortly after and there were many speculations for the cause of her death. Some said she was bitten by a poisonous snake, others said she was struck down for dancing to Orpheus's music.
Anyhow, Orpheus was deeply sadden and sticken with grieve. Vowing to bring her back from the dead, he pleaded with Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, and moved her with his music. Eventually she agreed on the condition that he would not turn back to look at Eurydice until they are in the light of the day. On the left, Hermes, the messenger who transports the dead to the underworld and back, accompanies them back to the land of the living. But as Orpheus' longing for Eurydice was too much for him to bear, he turned back before Eurydice was in the light, so Hermes clutched his hand around Eurydice wrist and brought her back to the underworld...
Sad..Just look at how painful their gazes are.
Stupid..a few more seconds also can't wait.
Technically, she died twice.

The term Narcissist comes from. I don't really know the story behind it, all I know is that in the end, he holds a mirror in front of him to admire his beauty.

Atheletes in ancient Greek compete in the nude! This is a man getting ready to throw a discus. Apparently, from the Newpaper article today, this chap didn't tie his garments well enough, and while he was participating in a race, it sort of fell off. The audience was so awed by the beauty of a human's bare body that from then on, every sporting even has to be conducted in the nude. Yup..Imagine what a mayhem it would cause today.

The winner of the games gets this. Filled to the brim with olive oil..a very valuable commodity in those days. Again..if the prize was a jug of olive oil today, nobody would want to be an athlete.

This is one of the many objects of Zeus' interest. Yes, he is a young handsome teenage BOY! And also very famous for his beauty. Homosexuality was widely accepted. At least in Greek mythology. The rooster on his left hand is a gift from Zeus to show his love for him. Imagine giving your valentine a freaking rooster.

At the tender age of 3, boys were trained to drink diluted liquor as they would be expected to compete in drinking competitions! Such events were held after every meal..Because all the men would gather after each meal and debate, recite poetry and drink! And it is thought that without drinking, one wouldn't have any inspiration to write poems.
Another point to note about Greek History..Women were like the lowest of the low in terms of social standings. quote, "..a woman needn't be present during the wedding ceremony, much less her consent.."
MEN and their so called systems!

I thought this passage was really funny. Quote, "..war is more common than peace.." Why must have war? Until 2 years of studying elect history, I still don't fathom it.

Aphrodite's, Goddess of Love and Beauty, head sculpture. The details are so intrinsic that you can see each strand of hair. Sadly, more details were eroded away as such sculptures would have been painted as well.

This, fellow friends, is THE MOST PERFECT BUTT PLUS BACK I'VE EVER SET EYES UPON! I was really amazed by the perfectly symmetrical and taut the muscles are! And it's all carved from one big block of marble! This is Ares..the God of War, mentioned earlier on.

Opposite him is Aphrodite, again, (yes, I guess that's where aphrodisiac comes from) but this is not the one oppsite him. This is the 'wet look' version of her.. See how her linens cling to her body? really amazes me how the sculptors of the 1st centry were able to achieve this with only primitive tools.
OOO.ooo...And there's a story about how Aphrodite came to be the Goddess of Love and Beauty. One day, this king was asked to judge amongst Aphrodite, Athena and some Goddess who can grant anyone power (forgot her name), who the most beautiful one was. But this king was too afraid to offend Athena because she was the almighty queen of the land, so he declined.
After many other royalties, who were invited to judge, also decline, P' ris, otherwise known as Paris of Troy agreed. Each Goddess offered Paris a reward if he chose them. As a nonchalent young prince, Paris couldn't possibly need any power, he didn't care for it, so he dismissed that Goddess of Power. Athena promised him victory in every battle that he fought, but he was a young man, and the country wwas in the safe hands of his father and elder brother..he needn't engage in any form of battle.(fat hope!) Lastly, Aphrodite offered to present him the most beautiful mortal on Earth..and being the hot-blooded male that he is, he chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful Goddess.
Shortly after, as promised, Paris chanced upon Helen, whom he stole from the enemy and sparked of the war which destroyed Troy.
So that's the origin of TROY! Stupid Paris..
The apple in Aphrodite's left hand is a gift from Paris, a symbol that she's the most gorgeous of all Goddesses. Apples were particularly rare.

This is Ero, son of Aphrodite and Ares (yes, they were lovers. I mean, when you are married to the ugliest immortal-Hepheatus, God of Metal and Wood, you'd want somebody as hot as Ares right? Afterall, she's a goddess.) Also known as Cupid, he has two sets of arrows- Love or Detest. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Eros.

The awesomest picture ever!! qin taught me how to darken the surroundings with the cybershot. And it made Ares and Aphrodite pop out from certain angles. As of they were separated by the black abyss and the love for each other runs deep.
In the spirit of the upcoming Olympic season, here's a few quotes from some historian who lived in that era..however negative it maybe..

Maybe he was just jealous he wasn't a champion?? A case of sour grapes.

Very K.I. deep..yes.
Then off to the Singapore history gallery.

Ipod video thingy..erm..not really but this was our trave-through-time buddy. Some sort of guide into the history. Anyway, it was so boring, qin and I took it off after awhile and viewed the stuff ourselves. But..I don't know, Singapore's history just really paled in comparision to Greek Mythology.
Yes, so everybody..go visit! Make sure you follow the guide as he/she will explain the background stories of the Gods/Goddess/Heros more clearly! After that you can start from the very beginning and see every artefact in detail! There's also this play that's going on in the gallery itself..too arty for me. I thought it was quite funny in the unconventional way, but yeah, good effort.
O.o so try the soy smth soups at PS basement 2!! The tomato soup was woah..I've a weird cravings for tomatoes these days.
P.S. JOANNE!! this is the opportunity you've been waiting for! go visit the museum!!
6:20:00 PM
Movie Mania
Thursday, February 21, 2008
2 weeks before I start work at borders..I started loading up on movies watched at the theatres..so yesterday was 'No Country for Old Men' with qin.

It's so insanely gripping! Though it was 2 hours long and everything sort of flowed like highly viscious toothpaste, my eyes and mind were kept glued to the screen, anticipating the next scenes. Honestly, though, I'm not one for oscar winning films and stuff, cause 'The Hours' left a rather bad impression. But this..this is just brills!
On tues night, I caught 'Ah Long Pte Ltd' with the hubby. Couldn't find a nice photo of it to put up..it was..a fun movie to watch. As long as you don't bring any expectations along with your popcorns and nachos. That I did and I quite enjoy it, contrary to what others might say. I mean, sure, some jokes were tacky and some moves were replicas of other more successful shows, but what do you expect? Right..can definately be better but it's still a'ight nonetheless.
On valentine's day, it was out with zen/krystal/taz+asraf to catch 'Jumper'.

This, I was really really disappointed with. Because I brought in with me loads of expectations? Yes, Indefinately..I mean with all the hype about it, I would expect better scripts and transaction from one scene to the next..and just better everything. Just to be fair, midway through it I got just a tad interested..until the abrupt end of it all. Maybe it was the un-idyllic seatings?? Well, didn't sit too well with me. Thumbs up to Rachel Bilson, who unlike mischa Barton, walks her talk. *pulling out of The OC to focus on movie career..what has she been doing so far?? And OC dunzo with so little eps cause of her untimely....blah blah blah..*
And 2 nights before, was 'Sweeney Todd:The Demon Barber of Fleet Street'!!

I absolutely love this one! A gazillion stars out of 5!! I love the fact that it was a musical, absolutely love the music. I love the fact that the colour scheme was so freaking morbid. And all the cleverly scripted humour that peeps out every now and then. I even love how corny the lyrics are! I love the whole idea that one can be so driven by revenge that he's blinded beyond the facts that's staring right at his face! I also happen to love all the slitting of the throats/blood squirting out scenes. And the seaside dream of Mrs Lovett was delightful! Of course, I love that Johhny Depp is in it, finally showing his talents.
Right, up next is 'The Leap Years', 'Juno', 'Feast of Love' and 'CJ7'
The reason why I hadn't blogged for ages was cause of the preparations of Miss Krystal's surprise party that took a while. Of course I couldn't blog about how we were all scurrying around trying to make this a success..then after the party I simply grew too lazy. Anyhow, here's the preparations..and all of miss krystal to enjoy..
Day 1
The idea was to make a a life size carriage, not unlike Cinderella's (her favourite princess and character of all time, so much so that when you think of Krystal, cinderella automatically pops up..sort of like a package.)

We had to watch Cinderella to get an idea of how it really looked like..and Because Taz was the artist, every single detail HAS GOT to be captured on her work.

So there, after watching to this point..(of course we forwarded!!), the artist starts to get down to business...while the rest of us idled away..taking pics

This has got to be number 1 on my list of 'unglamourous deb' Yes, thanks zen or mat for adding to my list..

Very long after, taz finally completed! The sktch that is..and it looked like this

Then she was down to business again, to draw the life size one..Looks like she was doing all the work ain't it?? But we had to scotchtape all the cardboards together to form a gigantic canvas for the artist!! Really! We did a lot!!

Well, this picture doesn't really serve us justice..yeah la, we were all looking at taz complete the carriage..And you'd notice the excitement starting to slid off zen's face from the earlier pic..

End of day 1..one life size pumpkin's sketch complete!!
Day 2
Everyone grew sick of walking in to my house..still, they had to come because the pumpkin is at my house!! Muahahaah...

Taz showing us how it is done professionally before flitting off to attend an interview. Watch and Learn!!

We did a pretty neat job eh?? Taz insists that the blending is prettier on her side of the pumpkin.
Day 3
Shopping couldn't have been more tiring! Walked the whole afternoon with the others to get miss krystal's tiara, cinderella wand, and birthday card. Maybe cause we didn't have any idea what kind of card we want and what kind of presents we want for the royal highness..
Day 4
Went down to taz's to start on the card, which is more of a sphere really, and all the notes will be stored inside. We made her a carriage, why not her very own castle??

3 hours was how long taz took to complete it. Because she's a detail freak! But it turned out well..and all through the 3 hours I just sat by her side to assure her of her immense talent and tell her that she can do it!! Also, it sort of got a lil 'sang gnag', but still pretty!

I couldn't help but notice how clean and nice-looking her toes were.

there's her saying," I can't do it!! See the castle is crooked!! Deborah!!"

Her 'Gong' bear.


It looks amazing even when it's taken apart! Sort of like an architect's sketch.
After which, we got down to painting it..just the back ground, trees, sky and such.
Day 5: The actual day!
Off to eatzi at defu lane to collect her birthday cake.

She loves to cam-whore like that..
Back for finishing touches on Krystal's ball (haha..crystal ball, krystal's ball..) and this is how it looks.

It's really pretty with all the glitters and stuff and the photos don't do it justice!
Around 8, the crowd started to come in..after putting up the castle and writing our notes, we got down to dinner!! It was madness, ordered pizza, then my dad thought the food was too little so had auntie alma to grill beef and salmon. As if that wasnt enough, krystal's mom bought chilli crab later on!

Zen, the lady boss and resident bartender..

I don't know what got them so interested..but michelle is clearly more engrossed by the TV.

Boon ah boon, when you are already smaller than others why shrink back and let others take your space?

Queen of cam whore. again. (kidding!)
After a long while of chilling, Miss Krystal/her royal highness finally arrived at about 9.45pm. The gang was up in my room hiding so that they can be the second surprise. Asraf and the carriage was to be the first, but that guy ruin his own surprise by msging krystal earlier on..
A: Eh, how to go deb's house? Can follow you not?
K: Why? You going later??
Dang! *slaps forehead*
15 mins later when all coast is clear and she expects none other surprises whatsoever..The lights go off
K: Eh..DEBORAH!! Why you off the lights??
The class proceeds to sing her a happy birthday song, that was accompanied by her screams of shock. Her well-muscled lungs shook my house..
K: Eh eh..On the lights!! I want to see who's here!
What can I say? That's Krystal!

K: argh!! cannot open!!

T: Eh!! I help you I help you!! Don't destroy it!

K: *whines* Zhao!! TAKE picture with me!!
Zhao looks on..yep, she had better take a picture with the royal highness to save everyone else from dying by krystal's demands..haha..this picture is timeless and such a classic! And she's holding a balloon which reads 'PRINCESS' too! Don't worry krys, we love you and your whines..

she gets her wish!

Jade crowning her..

Her very own carriage!

all the girls..

..and all the guys.
When everyone else left..the party begins..

nay, we were just chilling outside my deck. When I say chilling..I really mean CHILLING cause the winds were so freaking strong, machiam typhoon..

At this time..we were still doing this..

Nail art!

Sleeping beauty.. ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzz

Why is she so happy? Well, I don't know..because she got kissed by her prince??

..but her happiness did not last as her true love was actually taz..who then went on the mount on 'sleeping beauty'.

Zen could look no more! Ahem..no R21 stuff as we aren't of age, just as yet.
To wrap up, we had a ball of a time..surprises are so tiring but fulfiling at the same time.
After that was Jadey's birthday!! But I don't have no pictures of it..had a fun time anyways!! HAPPY 19th JADE!!!
1st combine Cell
had dinner at PS' Crystal Jade. Good but weird, as Janelle puts it, you'd only come to such places with your family...after which, we headed down to SMU to do some of this..

It was so difficult getting all the perfect angles and lightings..I think we spent like an hour there..

This art piece is cool man! Like really really random but cool.

Jelly and Char showing their range of emotions. Note that their shirts and haivvys totally matched!

The middle player got too carried away I guess..
Cny '08
On the second day of CNY, I believed, for a brief moment, that I've died and gone to heaven. You see, there were about 15 babies/toddlers running about my house! It was like a freaking nursery and I was silently congratualating myself for having so many young nephews and nieces..My dad's side of the family is ginormous. It's not that rare a sight if you ever ever spot me smiling to myself after spotting/sensing a baby within my 5km radius.
Feed The Fishes..

Joseph aka sumo

I was literally squealing with joy and exclaiming every few seconds.. so cute so cute!!

Issac garnering a bit of Isaiah's, his brother, attention..

sarah with joseph and issac with his hand protectively over isaiah's chest.

Kay, he has learnt how to pose instead of simply looking upset in all previous photos. Sadly, not all the babies' pictures were taken because the house was on fire..I mean meteorphorically of course, too many things to do that day.
vday '08

The queue was the longest I've ever seen anyway..

Nice chanderlier, bad background
after 'Jumper', we did a lil of this along this corridor.


taz and asraf- pretty sweet


deb- bohemian and preggers..
We all happen to dress so differently that day, despite agreeing to wear dress..
Lastly, some random pics.

That furry ball is really a hamster..

3 different types of tea. Teh-ping, teh-c, teh-o

The best tasting gummy bears in the history of gummy bears made! Courtesy of Joanne's mom!

Perfect bears of all colours, selected from the group.
Kay, see qin, I blogged! So you don't have to blog for me!! Pei me watch the movies!!
3:24:00 PM