Friday, January 25, 2008
These past two days have been scrapbook/certificates+ceremony/blog worthy..cause it all about my first times.
Say, for example..I highlighted my locks!! Don't know what the colour is called, but I've decided to call it kopi-o+mocha, cause my base is just my normal black ones and the highlights are sort of richy brownish type? Wanted to dye my entire head a deep warm chocolate, but decided to just take things slowly..
And took me the entire afternoon! I started at 12.30pm and ended around 4pm! By the time I reached home, it was time for 100% entertainment. Very glad Mr Pig appeared today!! Whenever he appears, hilarity strikes and I won't stop guffawing for like the next 2 days. Joelle, you do a pretty neat impression of him!! I won't ever forget the time you acted as him for our 'THE ONE' play at camp!
So anyways, this is me with all the alumnium foils and stuff..looking way too grumpy. I looked so mad, as if I could all that crazy hair..I sort of look stone-age kinda barbaric, except in those ages..there wouldn't be such alien looking machines.

My head machiam like some roaster, carefully holding a dozen of deliciously marinated stingrays tucked in at strategic spots to get the best possible flavours. (I have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm just blabbing my way through)
My hairstylist, Sky, stands behind me..haha..I love how he makes me love my hair everytime I visit him/get my haircut..cause it always feel so uber soft and luscious after every session.
Yesterday was day out with my ducklings (the name will stay forever because I'm your mama duck girls!!), back to XMS to see Joanne-no-nee as a much beloved music teacher and Jesslyn as the newpaper-but in-the-end-the-rest-of-us-did-her-job-cause-she-was-too-nervous-then-jumping-with-joy-for-shiling(her sis who got 7)-then-disappeared distributor. I have no idea why they get free copies of these 'O' level edition newpaper. I mean, most of them don't even want it..Oh well, too much cash I guess. Or their way of publicity? (I don't like newpaper..bleah.)
Watching all the drama in the hall, I felt the exact sensation at the pit of my tummy 2 years ago. Honestly, goosebumps were creeping up my wrists to the back of my neck!
Then we headed back to Jess' with bubble tea at hand. I had this sudden craving for bubble tea and it's the weirdest thing, because I quite dislike it. I ordered lychee milk tea which sucked so bad..I have no words to describe it. It was like..I don't know, just disgusted the hell out of me. I'm so over this craving.ha!
At Jess' we tasted her mom's pineapple tarts. They were Sudap!! We could smell it from behind closed doors okay! I shall order some from her when she retires and sells tarts for extra income (in auntie's own words).

They were all sitting in the same position and I couldn't resist it.

Then we took another..

I don't know how to make this portrait it's portrait in my mackie..but not here..
We had a fulfiling dinner at 'Ajisen Ramen' and went off to the lib to borrow some books. I miss reading so! Hence, I'm making full use of this period to catch up. Imagine not being able to read proper fictional stuff for 2 whole years!
At the lib, we came across this uncle who chided us,"You all shouldn't be doing this you know!"
My first instincts were..what? Shouldn't be doing what? Wearing denim skirts? Carrying all my stuff in my handy-dandy Lime pouch? What did we do wrong?
"Talking so loudly in the library! This is the LIBRARY OKAY! Observe silence!" He then goes off to mutter to himself, probably about how unruly and uncivilised we are..Hello, who is the one raising their voice, may I ask very politely and silently..And we were close to whispering la..Not even as loud as him. Why do these kind of uncle always chide me??! First is the stupid MRT thing, then this.Do I look like a bad girl?
And I'm so bothered because they think they are so morally upright and any youth they spot, the only impression that flash across their 5mm wide brain is TROUBLEMAKERS! each their own..
My first cheque deposit!

Being me, as in deb ng, as anyone would know..I didn't even know that all I need to do is just drop the cheque into this box..I thought it was some lenghty process which only my mighty mommy can complete. So qin, being the ang weiqin that she is, grabbed my cheque (from EAGLES) and wrote all the info down behind it (she can even memorise my account no! cool or not?) and handed it back to me, proudly saying, "like that can already la!Tsk!"
I'm hopeless like that.
Last wed's ladies night at M.O.S. was the SHAT! It sucked so bad...the music and everything, there's no point describing it. We did take loads of pics though. Okay, there's going to be some misconception that I'm this closet clubber. I'm just going to say..yes and no. Because I'm officially sick of it! So there!!

Mrt ride..
At 'Gotham' where they cheated us..because the male *dancers were on vacay!!Bah..

This, world, is my hubby..who is actually my cousin, really. Tsk, what were you people thinking?!
'Gotham' did have A plus point, the toilet. So Zen-like with all that pebbles and bamboo. Lovely! And then of course we had to take some shots..

We got bored and found a quiet spot to take more pictures..

Goodness, I looked like a goon. We all did!
Back to M.O.S. I'm so sick of the place..Zenny, next time let's just chill at Harry's.

6:39:00 PM
Night out with the pimp
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
hello world!! I'm back!
Finally finished my stint at Crocodile warehouse sales, and boy am I glad to be able to rest finally after about 23 days of un-interupted work! Though I'm a bit bummed out now I have to find another job so that I don't bum around..maybe I should just relax huh? Til the dreaded results come..dang..all the best to all you 'O' levels peeps! This thurs hmm...I can still remember the day I got my results..
Joanne, qin, jess and myself met up early first..(i think) then went to re-visit our beloved classroom and ppl watch like we also do after studying in the class til about 5. Then we said a prayer and bravely moved to the hall to waited with bated breath. I remember wishing LAN would speed up her speech so that we could just get our results that instant..but it drag on and on..oh well, the rest is history. So once again...all the best!
Back to my world..right, so a few days before my work ended, Zen, Krystal, Mat and Deb decided to chill and celebrate(I am the only the one with the celebration intentions..)!! So after my work ended at 9pm, I rushed off without punching my attendance card (again) and flitted down to clark quay station. And entered Central's toilet to..

....make myself up! The girls were so bored and Krystal kept whining..we did spent about half an hour in there..sorry girls!
And then we set off to M.O.S. to deposit our bags first, before making our way to The Arena for free flow of drinks..(be prepared for a mighty load of pics..)

This was when we were all still sober and awake. We didn't get drunk but rather seh some time later..
After 2 lychee martinis and 2 cranberry vodkas..we headed back to M.O.S......for toilet shots!

My legs are..obscenely open because I felt too tall and the fan below me is blocking my footing, so yeah. At this point, we were a tad high. The last shot was the nicest I feel, but that shadow behind is really unnecessary, ain't it?
And after a whole lot of unsuccessful shots..

...our aiming were so bad..we even took this.

zen, your head!!

Finally all of us in..
After a bit of shimmy here and there on the dance floor..krystal and me went to pee and Zen and Mat did this..

..indulge in their vanity!
So we did it as well! (when they went off to pee)

She looked like she doesn't like the way I smell with the kringing of the nose!

Bleah..I was trying to do the sexy back shot that so many artistes take. Failed! They always make it look so easy to be sultry and sexy..but sigh, I don't have it in me. I just looked like some girl with a lip disease.. -_-'''
And then, we hopped over to meet our sugardaddy!
yes, very happy to be at a cheena-fied club for the first time. ah haha..they were even playing the techno version of 'ji ba ban'(1 million)!! I bet eugene, luke and boon would be dancing their pants off to their all time favourite song. Why do I say that? Try attending H1 Physics with these noobs who keep singing the chorus over and over again!

Lunar's toilet shots..

Outside the toilet was this whole stretch of really pretty floral why not!

We heart wall!

With our pimp..

Still can't take a nice one without cutting one of us off, so we asked the guys over there to help us..

eekk!! So smoky..
Then it was back to M.O.S.
..for our free drinks

we got even high-er

But the woman slumped behind Krystal (who's acting cute) looks worse then totally wasted.
With Mat downing like this..'s no wonder she's like this!

Ending shots..

Shuush..don't tell..!

See you girls tmr night!
Thanks Daddy for being there that night to fetch me back!! It was a close shave, huh?
zen sent me cool photoshopped pics!

12:23:00 AM