The Nightmare before Christmas
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
kay. Since qin was threatening to help me blog if I don't blog by today, here I am..
Anyway, I've realised the change in myself this year, or maybe the past 6 months..I mean, I've grown weirder, like I'm afraid to go out, tired of blogging (in the fist place not that into blogging), unwilling to pack my room of the stacks of notes and rubbish, tired of doing anything. I practically rot! Especially after the 'A's. Honestly, don't know what's up with me. Hate that I sound like some emo 13 year old (like peers of my sis,since I can't say she's emo cause she's so the opposite of emo like some overly hyper puppy), but I sure feel like one.
HA!! Alright, I'm too old for that kind of shit. So anyway, life after 'A's is overated. I mean, while we were all studying, we motivate ourselves by repeating the phrase, "okay, it's all going to be over soon and we can enjoy the days of our lives( rest of the 7+ months)." as if it's some sort of petronus to keep our dementors away. But even after the papers, dementors still come and dement me okay! Having nightmares almost every night regarding 'A's is so unfunny. Especially since it's after the whole thing! I keep dreaming I'm late for physics paper, late for geog..late for everything. when I woke up panicky and all, realising that it was all a dream after cracking my brain for the formula of magnetic flux density, and went back to sleep, the nightmare continued from where it stopped! I also dreamt that my result was cdd. C for math, ironically.
Does this sort of stuff only happen to me? At least I know Jo has them too, so that's one other person.. But I mean, c'mon...why is my sub-conscience still hugging on to that period of my life?! This is going to last til Christmas..when all things bad turns good. That's still a few weeks though. The rain these aren't helping as well.
Moving on..Isaac!! Oh my goodness, I can't get enough of him! He's my nephew..2 year old.
Picture quality sucks..

Tempted to cross the stands to feed the coils..He's really fascinated by them, I don't know why, can't fathom a 2 year old's mind, but yeah..I think the coils are very happy whenever he comes, cause they get to feast on half the bottle of fish feed. But it's so unhealthy to over-feed them, so I limited the amount of food Isaac can throw in.

And Resisting, by putting his hands behind his back!! I've such a weak spot for him i said, "okay, this is the last time. The fishes very full already" like 4 times! Anyway, the coils only have like what, 10 secs memory, so they are forever hungry.

He's very happy..and entertained by the them.

He's like a smurf. 3 apples tall. Granted, the 3 apples have to be ginormous.

Watching 'Lilo and Stitch' while chomping away on some sour plum stuff.

Bye!! I don't get why he always looks moody. Trying to act cool! The only picture I have of him smiling/laughing is this

..which is cute nontheless..
I know i people are probably sick of me proclaiming I want 6 kids. But I don't just want to have them cause they are small little cute chincillas..(however you spell them)..I really want to carve a career as a mom. I sound old. Anyway, it's way too long-winded if I'm to explain why I want to be a mom so badly..that's for another post!
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