Thursday, December 07, 2006
RandomnessRight, watched 'Dejavu'..and I'm still not satisfied with the ending! Didn't regret catching it over 'Open Season', although I thought I would..But 10 mins into the movie and I was intrigued. So yup..everyone, please go catch it!
Had a pile of junk, called food, today. Cereal and beef patty burger at home before going to ps for subway and gelare! Mabel, we're so going to jog 40 rounds tmr!
So anyway, don't really have much to blog about..so I thought a bit of randomness would be fun.

My one and only love! Ha nar, I'm still into BSB!!

The mom.
haha..This picture is so cute..was having steamboat and she happen to be..fishing prawns out?
The Dad.
Dots..this is really random..he was picking up fallen leaves.
The Sis.
Trying to stop me from taking her pic? Ha! I'm too fast!
Qin's Birthday card..Well, at least the first stage of making it..
...Adding colours..
...Not yet done but almost there..
Her box to store the prez..Used mag pages to liven up an ordinary box..
All in all, I spent 2 days making the card and the box for her! And it was during promos too!! Qin, aren't you touched?
The ugliest baby alive! Right, that's me..

..taken on the glass of a vcd shop somewhere in hougang. Pretty good promotion skills huh?
Mid Autumn Fest
Lighting up the lanterns..
Don't mess with a girl when she's in a foul mood. Alright, super unglam pose..don't comment.

Superman and lois lane!!
A series of unfortunate (emo) events..

Don't get me wrong, the celebration was great..just that, maybe next year, we could use a better location. Punggol park is bad for health.
Miss Ng's Birthday celebration
The boys having a private discussion. 'How should we pop the surprise?'
Our fave teachers..Looking good together eh?
Yee'er never cease to be as cute as she can!
I think they arranged to come in green..
THE cake. Self designed by the 5 from np..
1st year reunion. Class of 2005.
Typical Miss Ng, making sure things get done..
Haha..mr choo..where itchy?
Lovelies!! Jess and Jo.

Yee'er, dorcas, ning'er
... Still in discussion..
Our chen shou wen zhong man of the class! Perfect husband I'd say! Okay la..just complimenting his personality..
Yes! A picture of caiying!! Still, there's the lack of face.
The ones who survived the night watching tom and jerry..

An attempt to capture a pic of my haggard-due-to-lack-of-sleep self. Nah, better luck next time!
11:48:00 PM
I'm back
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I'M BACK!Yes!!! Back in Singapore and it feels damn shiok.. Just don't really enjoy the weather. But still, home is home! And I'm loving it!
Vietnam was a blast, an experience so enriching and life-changing that I'll never forget the 2 weeks I spent there. Everything, from building the classroom, cooking for the villagers singaporean food, playing with the children, visiting orphanages, spending time with my team, crapping with roomie and even the children calling me "bobo" (apparently it's easier calling me bobo..and it's all alwin's fault..btw, he's 'win win').
All these memories, it just feels so surreal being back in Singapore where everyone is just so busy to even care about our own family..but seeing the tall buildings was a shocker. Seriously, as i descend and gaze upon the island, I had expected to see quilt-like patches of land. Right, what was I thinking.. anyway, pictures up soon..Blur me forgot to bring extra memo card! So I had to scrimp and force myself not to snap at everything..going to 'kop' from other people's pics anyway..so yup..soon!
I miss the girls so much..on the 3rd day I was already homesick, so you can just imagine the next few days. Luckily, I recovered due to the massive amount of work that needs to be done everyday, so I go to bed too tired to think about anything else..Half of the team fell sick btw...but still, we did a good job and i'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves.
Bargained like 'siao' and I was so happy when I managed to cut more than 50% off! And spent every single cent...happy happy~
Okay, so Qin, jo, and mommy came to fetch me..daddy was in reservis and this was his message,"welcome home my dearest baby! See you tonight as I have to SERVE AND PROTECT OUR NATION FOR NOW. Aren't you proud of your GREAT Dad? Muacks!" I was laughing so hard when I read it..how lame can he get..so yup..they had dinner at my house and then went out with my sis to get two tubs of ben and jerry's..chocolate cookies dough and strawberry cheesecake! YUM! Jess came over today and together, we finshed the strawberry cheesecake. HA! had fun gorging ourselves today..and went for a haircut, which I'm so not used to..never had bangs since eons ago..
So anyway, I've this sudden craving for beach vball..but I realise I have no 'kakis'! So freaking sad...Don't care, I'm going to find myself a vball gang!
1 more month of hols..homework..here I (don't) come!
12:51:00 AM