Monday, October 30, 2006
testing testing..
12:13:00 AM
stayover part 2!
Friday, October 27, 2006
PW STAYOVER [part 2]
Okay..this is part 2 of the stayover..don't know why can't upload anymore pics so i'll start another one later..
Group came over to choreograph a martial art dance..and we started at 4pm in the afternoon all the way til 11am the next day! had a great time bitching with all of them!! and my pw group is really a group of photowhore!!haha..

Crapping after dinner.. Krsytal is wearing boon's cap and Mich is..erm..trying to be pretty
(wondering why he needs a cap during the night? cause he don't want to let ppl see his un-styled hair!!)
The aftermath of our feast..
Check out these 2 mad ladies..Mumtaz and Clar..
...Skipping along the pathway in..broad nightlight!
..on our way back.. we (except me) refused to walk back to my house from the prata shop because they were so afraid!! said the way back looks scary..until boon came to our rescue..then we happily walked back.
He's just disgusted cause we said he was 'cute'.
yes, the legendary beauties..( i made that up..haha!)
In view of our project about Silat, boon decided to..pose for us.
It's 2++am already..and mich couldn't take it anymore! While we were all choreographing..stupid boon was friendster-ing!
haha!! all slacking while clar(our CEO) is working her ass off trying to figure out the moves..
Our very own cheerleader!! Mumtaz!! Oh, boon's considered as well! haha
Pretty ladies..
All in positions and dancing the night away..
time: 4.02am
THat's all for the night!! time for bed! (and more bitching til 5am..)
Wrapped up smugly in a cocoon..
Hehe!! clar, mumtaz and mich..didn't know i took this!
Having breakfast outside my room...krystal went off first for her bro's grad performance.. (perfoeming da chang jin!!a six year old performingn that!!aiyo..)
Mumtaz looking melodic..savouring the ice-cream.
Still sleeping?!
HAha..she seems interested in my sermon notes..somehow reminds me of a puppy cocking its head to one side, curious about smth new..
Caught in the act! (of stealing my ice-creaam!! )

Bye bye!
12:09:00 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Quiz1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 10 people to play this game too.
How are you feeling today?Butterflyz - Alicia Keys (fluttering butterflies in my tummy..sure i did! )
Will you get far in life?London Bridge - Fergie (as far as london? or living in london? or getting an english husband??)
How do your friends see you?Hotel paper - Michelle Branch (I'm like hotel paper to them??!!)
Will you get married?Never felt this way - Alicia keys (never felt like getting married? this is totally freaking me out..the thought have never crossed my mind, even though i want six children..yeah well)
What is your best friend's theme song?Ordinary people - John Legend (erm.Qin's ordinary?)
What is the story of your life?Naughty Girl - Beyonce (HAHAHA!!! this is so true!! nah..I'm actually very angelic.. *smiles* )
What was high school like?Stick with you - Pussy cat Dolls (yup..we stuck to each other!! as in..not physically, but you know..)
How can you get ahead in life?Bintang Di Surga - Peter Pan (okay, I don't actually know what the title means..but this is my favourite song of all time!!)
What is the best thing about your friends?Fighter - Christina Aguilera ( they are all fighters in their own little sort of ways!)
What is in store for this weekend?Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional ('s going to be clear and i'll receive suupport from people? )
What song describes you?Unfaithful - Rihanna (now, this is completely unfair!! haha..but it's quite true..depending on who and what you're talking about..)
To describe your grandparents?Do this anymore - Nickelback (Erm..don't know what it means..)
How is your life going?Rape me - Nirvana (alright...don't get excited now. maybe it means my life need of some spicing up.yeah, that's all!)
What song will they play at your funeral?Temperature - Sean Paul (like duh..everyone and anyone knows I'm THAT hot, so I'm remembered for my TEMPERATURE!!!..hahaha!!)
How does the world see you?Come as you are - Nirvana (so true!! or that's how i want to world to see me. As I really am!)
Will you have a happy life?Take it or leave it - Jet (oh, I'll have a happy life. But I'll have to choose to take it or leave it?)
What do your friends really think of you?Boom - POD (haha!! I'm a blast!! I just know the impact I've made..)
Do people secretly lust after you?Goodbye for Now - POD (that's a NO?! oh, the pain! the hurt! the deceit! people out there, you don't want to know what you're missing!!)
How can I make myself happy?Junpin' Jumpin' - Destiny's Child (yup, I jump about to get high!)
What should you do with your life?There's a good reason why these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet - Panic! At the disco ( well well...should I be telling people totally nonsencical and no link stuff?)
Will you ever have children?Are you happy now? - Michelle Branch (sure I am happy..but I'll be more happy with children!!)
What/who do you miss most currently?One two step - Ciara (Why do I need to take one or two more step to miss someone??)
that's that then..a rather..eerie quiz, seeing how aaccurate some things anyone who wants to do it..just copy and paste la..haha..
1:20:00 AM