bimbotic times
Friday, June 30, 2006
Bimbotic Times
Totally messed up my Chinese 'A' levels oral! This time, my hard-of-hearing problem really did me in!! Shat. I guessed the two examiners must have been stunned and shocked when this happened...
Teacher 2: Zui jing you fa song mian fei de huang bao...(Recently, there's this free huang bao)
After pausing for a while..
Tecacher 2: ni zhi dao she me is huang bao ma? (Do you know what is Huang bao?)
Then it dawned on me.
Me: Oh..wo zhi dao! Shi yellow pages dui ma?
Both teachers were quiet for a while
Teacher 1: Bu shi..ze xie bao zi is ke yi zhai di tie zhan na dao zhi dao te de ming cheng ma? (no..they are chinese papers which you can retrieve from stands at the mrt stations. Do you know the name of it)
Me: (Stupidly shaking my head..) Bu zhi dao..
...and the conversation went on..
What was I thinking?! Yellow pages?!
I think they must have been mocking me inside.."this kind of standard also can come for 'A' level chinese oral?!! Please la..even my ang mo boyfriend can speak 10 million times better than this
gong kia..hahahah!!"
I seriously heard HUANG BAO okay...
Well, it could have been worse. I could have answered..
Me: Oh..wo zhi dao..shi porn magazines dui ma?
I think they would have flipped.
And passage reading!! bing hai wan (marine parade) I read as bing hai dao!! Or, I could have said Bei hai dao(Hokkaido, in japan!)!! I forgot which one I said!! I guess bei hai dao would be worse..
And just now when I wanted to print mass movement geog notes, I got so fed up because the error in printing kept popping up..and I frustratedly asked my mom..
mom then came forward to check out..
Mommy: Haiya!! You didn't connect the printer to the laptop of course cannot print la!
Me: (after checking out that I indeed didn't plug the wire in..) Oh yeah hor..
Ultimate bimbo day..
"Never underestimate the power of a matter how small your prayer is or softly you prayed..Jesus can hear you and it would be answered.."
9:25:00 PM
no fair
Thursday, June 29, 2006
No fairJust read Jeen's blog. And I feel so utterly cheated!! Her midyears are over and mine hasn't even begun. saved for chinese which was outstandingly difficult okay! THat reminds me, HAving 'A' level chinese oral this friday!! Oh my mama!! And preparations for it only began today. what happened to the months of passage reading and topic discussions and question spotting back in the secondary school days?!
Which means she's free to watch the world cup finals without having to worry about not having sufficient rest the paper the next morn!!
What the.
So..apparently the common tests/promos are even tougher than 'O' levels, many say. BEat that. I'm so fried.
Haiya..been feeling so negative. What's happening ar?
Alright. Nevermind that..
Oh!! Dee and Rah rah came back to SA yesterday!! In school uniform too! Blended in so darn well I couldn't spot them until rah rah pounced on me and dee screamed," DEBBIE!!!" haha!! MIss those girls! But the walk to town or around town was quite..stoned. Like..we were sitting at cine's food court, taking mindless pictures of ourselves. Then strolling to Taka to makan junk food.
And are skin and bones already! What flabs are you talking about?! Stop counting your calories! Apples cannot, I repeat..CANNOT, be your staple food! time seeing them would be 3 months later! Anyway, hope we're able to maintain this. Tough to do..but achievable.
Jojo... I know the preparations for common tests is getting to you. But you cannot admit defeat to the evil one okay!! Or it might be the stress coupled with some other personal stuff..just know that you're stronger than you think/know you are! I'm here for you to vent anything out! You'll tide over this just fine! Oh..and lastly...I love you!!! *blush* hahaha!!!!
Right. Goodbye yo'll!! (haha..zenny was so cute when she said that!!)
I'm sorry for ever doubting your promises. I know you're there for me so I'll come out of everything unscathed..Thank you..with you, I have peace now..
12:04:00 AM
bbq pics
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Ohsixayohtwo class BBQ! @ho's mandrian gardenIt's about time I blog about it!!
The day started off with us ooh-ing and aah-ing over the size and unique allure of rach's penthouse. I love her house! Bright colours, lots of paintings, collections from all over the world, and little knick-knacks like the disco ball, the drum set!
I think her family is so cool! HAha..rach, you resemble your mom!
Unfortunately, no pictures of her home..not my cam..but I do have pics of the bbq..
After econs tut...(yes, tutorial at rach's home before the bbq! we sat in the dining hall with us surrounding him while he points and lecture with the whiteboard)
Totally fun. NOT!! I had a headache because of the tut..but don't worry mr peh, not your fault, I just have low tolerance for long hours of econs..

Jade's happy with the marshmallow pack she's hugging, but why's cherell looking so grumpy?
Uh comes krsytal the mighty whiner!! both of them are grumpy..
HA! Mr peh looks like a squirrel caught off guard! With the camera lights flashing at him! Blur blur..hey, it takes one to know one..
yes mindy..we know you're proud of yer name..
Starting the fire..
Why is it taking so long?? Everyone sat there glumy..because we were all hungry! or were they looking at something else?
Classic Bollywood Drama!!

HAHA!! Deb was really excited about starting the fire, ain't she?
Funny indie pose inspired by Mindu!!
O.O I spy a tired tutor..!!
Hee hee..up to no good huh cherell!!
the food.. Next time there's BBQ, I swear to order from wholesale. Fuss free and easy! It's cheaper too! Watermelons not included.

Boons and Wens!! Why are the forks pointing to boons??
Jadey's shy!!!'s difficult to get a picture of her smiling and actually looking into the camera.
Hmmm...why are they so happy? Bright smiles and all..
..that's cause..
THey got boons stuck on the sese-saw!! HAHAHA!!!! they even thought of dragging the rubbish bin to place on the lower end so that boons will be stuck there forever!! But we realised, much to our dismay, that he can jumped down to freedom rather easily..
AND he made a non-alcoholic one for mumtaz!!! see that special cup she's holding? YUP!!! SO sweet!! He made brownies too!!! Darn, they were good!
Sulky Jade. Happy Krsytal. Happy Deb. Happy Zen.
See..tough feat to get a nice pic of Jade!
What ya starin' at?
Class pic!! Of people who turned up..we only had two guys.. but well, considering the unbalanced ratio, we usually count them as one of us.

It was just a coincident that mindu happen to be pointing at our butts..
haiya...I'm too tired to write just pictures and pictures...and pictures..

Tablewoman and chair woman...(mich-vicechair and zen-chair)
NO...!!! WE must exterminate the traitor within us!!
feeble attempt at the battle cry..

What can I say..we're all about butts!! Hot BUNS!!

Stupid pose... Spastic..don't know what came over's normal for jade though..haha!
There..isn't it all sweet and proper now..
I love this pic!! We spotted Herbie!!!
2:52:00 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006
Last minuteBeen mugging with Jess and Jo lately. Suddenly it seems that I have a lot to cover. Not seems..I really have a lot to re-cover!!!
It's always the case! I don't get why I can't wake up and start leading a healthy life! Sounds dramatic. Rephrase..I don't get why I can't stop slacking and leaving everything til the last few minutes. Make myself suffer everytime.
But I still got down to mugging because of my yeah...a big thank you from mommy!! HAHA!! I was just joking about being their mom...I mean, it's cause I keep nagging and complaining about stuff, which makes me sound mumsy...
Mugging with the girls is good..but I suggest a more condusive environment? Can't really concentrate with hordes of people strolling in and out, laughing their minds off..and talking about
teh kor (underwear), can I?
Yup...everyone's been complaining about how this midyears isn't exactly a holiday. Well...we're in singapore. Stuck in its education system..what better of it can I expect right. but, think about it..if it isn't for this competitive mindset that the government drilled into every citizen, we'll be a bunch a coach potatoes. And coach potaotes aren't exactly good leaders.
So, I decided to make full use of the holidays by enjoying the last few days..catching a movie is always good for me. OR so I THOUGHT..
Silent Hill..
GRRRR.....It's gore gore and more gore!!
Not scary's repulsive and disgusting!!(haha..lao po..I think you enjoyed it cause it's your kind of movie..anyway you got your man with you..) Like final destination..except the storyline is bad.
What the crap..the stripping off the skin part and the burning part were the worst! Kinda reminded me of marshmallows being BBQ-ed on a satay stick. Black and burned to crisp on the outside, but still soft and edible inside..eww!! OH! And that barbed wire sticking into the woman's inside and everyway..way gross!
Why did I even agree to watch it..
Haiya..cannot make it sound so bad.. So I shall add on..
Oh. And I saw 'whipped cream' (my e/b c) smoking!! To think I was almost hyperventilating to see him at adam food court..I was immediately turned off when he stretched over to light his stick! SICK! THat's why people say...ignorance is bliss.
And I don't think absence makes the heart grow makes the head grow mushrooms.
2:30:00 AM
birthday pictures
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Birthday Pictures!Not a lot..just the family dinner and after that at home..
Simple and Sweet!

The feast! Man...I need to improve on my photo taking skills! THe main items seem to be the glass of water instead of the plates of gourmet italian crusine!

Mommy and me!

This tiramisu was meant to be a surprise!!! My mommy secretly asked the manager to prepare this and bring it out when we asked for the bill....So sweet! But I sort of figured out the surprise before it was carried was sweet!
Birthday cake number 2! Looks damn pretty I think...the diagonal stripes of icings..and thin layers of mint and chocolate sponge cake!! YUM!
I'm Glad!! And ELATED!!
Daddy and me...don't we look alike? I look bigger than him!! THat's cause he was slouching...
Crazy Becky and me!! Failed attempt at trying to act cute.. Oh well..I'm not meant to be cute!
There goes the cake!

And that's how the day ended..with a bite of happiness and content!
11:24:00 PM