i need a break
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Random pictures and thoughts...haiyo...I desperately need a break! And I'm so glad that the holidays is just a day away! Hurray!!
Anyway, decided to try out the bluetooth thing. Again. And...it still did not work! BLAh. Don't know what is it with the instalment!! )=
So..people say pictures speak a thousand words right? I don't have any pictures..so I shall say a thousand word for every picture I'd like to be up here...
Here goes..
JUST KIDDING! I think anyone will die if he has to plough through my rambles. A thousand word ramble to make matters worse! HAiya..so anyway..I actually managed to upload a few pictures..but whenI wanted to upload the chalet pics, the connection failed! ANd I was never able to connect my phone and the laptop again! BOO..
oh..before the pictures, I want to say a 'lil something about the touch rug camp..I love it! But it was damn tiring. Slept at 3 and had to wake up at 6.30! It was more of a fun camp than a training camp. So there were all those team bonding games and nightwalk and stuff. I tell you..the nightwalk was scary!
Actually quite okay, come to think of it. the worst was at the CC girls toilet. With the green light luminating from the exit sign and feng fei fei singing inside the toilet..you can imagine the trama we went through.. Yes, we had to go in to retrieve our ties from one of the cubicles. And it was definitely not the nicest experience, I'd say. I suppose this nightwalk can't be half as scary as the one at malan road.(where, I've heard, LT doors would fling open and shut at its own will and music can be heard coming out from the LT..And there's always the toilet tales, not to forget)
Besides nightwalk, we also had to 'parent' eggs..HAhA!! My baby's (husband/wife is cheryl) name is JOHNNY!! Sounds so corny!! haha...I'm a good parente okay! DIdn't break throughout the camp. But it smashed during friendlies..poor baby. Better than jade! she cooked and ate her own baby! Cannabalism!
Although we arent' really familiar with one another..I believe we all got to know each other better..Like..aiya..you get what I mean..Like..we know..herm..I dont' know how to put this across!
Let's move on shall we?
I want to show you my sleeping companions! HAve I shown before??
PIGLET AND MY BELOVED!! (see that small pillow?? it's name is corner corner..don't laugh okay..it's a cool name!)

Laopo,feli, and joyce gave me piglet for my 14th birthday..which reminds me..my birthday is coming!! EEE!! I dont' want to be 17! So freaking old! But..one year to legal age of the world of beer and M18 movies!

I doodle whenI'm bored..did this while studying at Jo's..My name nicer hor?
Haha..and qin already bought my present!! Must be one of the earliest la..eh..but I said I want something from australia!!! THat neh neh is going off on my birthday! HOW CAN?! But since she ALREADY bought my pressie..then I forgive her..haha..
*GAsp!! PORN!!
JO's uncle is a talented man! Just look at how fluid and natural everything is!
Wonder if there was a real model..

Hmmm delicious!! Jojo cooked this for me!! and jess and qin too la..really really nice. although it is only instant noodles. She cooked sausages specially for us so that it won't just be noodles! SO sweet of her!

And this is me...Don't ask. I was very high that day.

I noticed that Qin took its backside!
9:07:00 PM
technology idiot
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Technology IdiotI'm such a tech-nut! I can't stand it!!!!!!!But it's not my fault that my ba zi bu he with technology right??!!Argh!! This is so infuriating!!!Mommy brought the bluetooth dongle for me, so that I can upload pictures from my hp to the laptop...I thought once I unistall the original disfunctional one, and install the new one, I'll be able to upload all the pictures(including last dec's 4e4 chalet) onto my laptop!! But no!!!! THe stupid installing/setting up whatever you call it keeps telling me that it can't be install!!WHY?!I need the system to work by tomorrow!!! MORAL EDUCATION ASSIGNMENT!! MISS K!!! (people not in SA might not be able to relate to my distress...) AND THIS....THIS THING HAS TO BE PUT UP ON MOODLE BYB FRIDAY! bUT I CANT POSSIBLY DO IT ON FRIDAY BECAUSE OF TOUCH CAMP!!!!I.am.so.dead.I need help. Desperately.Any kind soul willing to help me look into this problem?Oh wells...Moving on to happy things, I have something to announce.....it's been 17 long years....of anticipation and excitement for this moment...SAJC RUGBY IS CHAMPIONS FOR POLICE CUP 2006!!!!SAJC V.S. RJC
"We are arming for the fight! Pressing on with all our might! Pluming wings for higher flight!! Up SAINTS!!"
Well done ruggers!! You all have fought well! UP AND ON!!
2:21:00 AM
oops i did it again
Monday, May 15, 2006
Oops...I did it again
How can I make the same mistake twice?!
Argh!! So freaking embarrassing!
And it took me like 15 secs to reacte? 20 secs in total for me to show myself out?!
8:29:00 PM
Testing testing 123.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
HEYA DEB. This is your closest, most awesome, longest lasting, bestest, bosom, whatever gd things you can think of friend aka QIN!
Hm so I've removed the pictures, changed the default font size to this (so I guess you don't have to manually change it), and I'm still thinking how to change it to the one scroll all down blogskin. =) Yeah. I'm so sad you want the pictures removed, coz no more of my pics in your blog. Never mind I'll just put one of us here yeah?

Yay. So nice right, with all the inspirational pictures behind us, 4e4.united sign above us, the switches and aircon controls to our left and the fire extinguisher to our right. AND OF COURSE, THERE'S US. =) And you look slim here so don't remove it okay =)
9:33:00 PM
to dee
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
To DeeAh ha! Yes dee..I owe you an e-mail. But honestly, I don't remember promising one leh. So sorry! Was it in my farewell postcard? Or MSN? Anyway, I dedicate this to you k?So..I shall just update you (and everyone else) about what's going on. In my life of course.So far, it has been a routine. Like Monday school starts..and I drag myself with much reluctance to the campus. And the day begins with math lecture! What a total..dampener. All I can say is Monday is not my happy day..monday blues aren't called monday blues for nothing. The rest of the week is just the same, except that it gets better after Wednesday..because Tuesdays are..the worst days for the entire week. Being long and all. Of course, Touch just makes everything better. Like don't have to give a hoot about anything for that 2++ hours and just play. Then comes the weekends! Which is naturally always a thing to celebrate, but, sadly, they are just too short. Like, I slack on Friday nights and Saturdays..and Sunday is just left for church and family time. So you see, every week and everyday is a routine!That's why I miss the first 2 months period, when everyone just hangs loose and have a great deal of fun. Your (Dee's) being around certainly brightened my days, and really, the toilet gang's presence and OG3 was what motivated me to get my arse off my bed every morning. Then was when everyone was just having pure fun and not really caring much about school stuff, politics and shit. Yeah, so you know, You(Dee) are a huge representation of a fun part of my life because you were only here for that period (you neh neh!!)And I think what you said at the airport was/still is very true. In time to come, we won't be as close and eventually, we won't even bother keeping in contact not because we do not care anymore, but simply cause we don't know what to say and how to start a convo anymore! I guess that's what happens whenever someone..you know..not seeing someone as regularly as before. Which is extremely sad! I don't know...but is this part of human nature? Part of maturing when one becomes so conscious of self and..dont dare to step up anymore? Because, when we were younger, we wont' think so much and just went ahead with whatever we wanted to do..I miss your "OH MY TIIIAAAANNNN!!" and your mock expressions. Like when you pretended to be angry after 'volunteering' you for tribal warrior. I really believed you were pissed! And your not eating during breaks just to save for the farewell gifts you gave us on the last few days! AWWW!! I was so touched! REally spent time and effort man! Okay...Looking forward to your coming back! When is it? My memory, needless to say, is damn bad. I shall buy loads and loads of pokey to welcome you back! Must remember to tell us so we can plan for OG3 outing k!! A big *Muacks for you!!
9:04:00 PM