romantic comdies
Friday, December 30, 2005
After catching 'How to lose a guy in ten days' two days ago on dvd rental, I came to realise how much girls love a good romantic comedy. Then again, all and any romantic comedy IS good.. And this, led me to my next self-asked-self-answered question..Why are romantic comedies so irresistable?(at least to girls..)What does romantic comedies mean? They are comedies..which progress in the sense of romance. Yeah... Actually, romantic comedies are modern fairytales. Are they not? Doesn't 'happily ever after' ring a bell? Sure there are different obstacles to overcome.. Gone are the cruel stepmother, or the evil witch. Instead of the seven dwarfs as your friends, you get the plastics.. All in all, romantic comedies hold a hope for every girl (no matter how much she denies)- For a prince charming to sweep her off her feet and they shall live happily ever after.
"You do like romantic comedies, don't you?"
"Nah..what nonsense! They are for despo and sappy peeps!! I'm a strong independent woman!!"
"C'mon..admit it.. You DO!"
"Aww..alright..I do..I do hope for a prince charming..Not shrek though.."
And here are some of my all-time favourites..(in no particular order)
Starring, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere..
Starring, Hugh Grant..and Julia Roberts..(again)
No way! Julia again..Okay..I'm not a fan of Julia, but a fan of Rom-com..which made me a fan of Julia..(she don't only do rom-com...Erin Brockovich is a damn good movie!!)

Hmm...This one is a tad corny..But I still love it!! Chad michael Murray made it much harder to resist..but the hairstyle that he had on 'freaky friday'? Didn't work for me at all..
Ahh.. We all know J.Lo can't act for nuts, but this isn't about her!! It's cause it's a rom-com!! And there's Matthew McConaughey!!
Aww... A Drew Barrymore one.. Definitely a rom-com if it isn't E.T. or Charlie's Angels..This girl has no qualms about getting all fugly and spoiling her image in the movie. Come to think of it, lead actresses of rom-com don't mind de-glaming themselves. It's as if they are trying to transform themselves like regular plain janes. But baby, women in real life aren't get my idea. Exaggerations..

Alright, take a break (have a kit-kat) lady.

I just thought this picture is damn fhilarious..She discovers she has real boobs!!
Guys.. you may be thinking..What's the fuss about fairytales?? Wake up la..still dreaming about white horse prince charming.. Prince Charming so what?? Can survive on his looks meh? Or you want to eat the white horse for the rest of your life?? Please lor..Prince Charming not equal good life. They are extinct!

"Oh honey..they are talking about rom-com again..!"
But you see, this is just our little fantasy..just like guys' fantasies about Jessica Alba.
There's just something about the gaze and eye contact that gets to us, or me for that matter.. And the perfect dance with tht perfect man that all girls dream about..

See how happy they are? I want too!!

Yup, she's dancing..just not the waltz. She's happy and expressing her joy!!

...As they gazed upon each other, they realised, they've found their soul mate..

..Yes, you are the one I've been searching for..( come catherine zeta jones so extra?)

...No more are the one!

"Aiya, auntie deb..why you like all these cheesy lines?? Grow up old still dreaming.."
Well, they can mock me all they want..I won't deny that I CAN BE not AM shallow.. It's not that rom-com are the only type of movies I watch..I just have a special liking for them. Besides, I still love my fantasy, action, drama mama..what not..
I shall continue.

..Oh Julia, be mine...
After that, the story always end with a aww-so-sweet kiss..
So guys..try not to complain when you accompany your girl for a chick flick okay? There is always time for the blood and gore. And, the next time you want to cheer your girl up, just bring her for a rom-commovie..It'll work. Unless of course, she's heart-broken and you are the cause of it..
take a leaf out of the master's book... You can always pretend.
12:38:00 PM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
What the hell...Bluetooth can't work!Someone get me a digicam!! pictures until it gets fixed..BAH!!!
12:10:00 PM
Okay.. I know the pictures of class chalet should have been posted long ago..But, I just don't have the mood to upload them..and whenever I have the mood, something corks up.. So.. They will be up sooner or later.In the mean's your Christmas??I hope it's good. Mine certainly was. Except, it ended in the most unimaginably terrible mess. In fact, it was the worst Christmas ever... think I've been looking forward to it for an entire year. Boo Hoo.oh well, life goes on.. I just hope everything goes back to normal.. And I have another year to go through before the next Christmas..Can hardly wait!(thanks to Qin who listened and suffered..I'd have died due to an overload of infomation/worries occupying my database..I'm only 128mb remember..And I simply love your card/poem!! THANKS!! While I'm at it..Thanks to Jo and Jeen for getting me my favourite Piggies!! In PINK!!)HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSLYN(aka christmas baby)!!!!You are finally 16! Really happy that you enjoyed the celebrations so thoroughly..And hope you like my present..!! You know what I'm thinking? You asked us what you should wear for your birthday right?? Then jo said a birthday suit. How come you didn't turn up in a birthday suit?? Haha..kidding..but if you want..still have next year!!Schools starting.In 6 more days..Crap.I know I should be excited and all..but..I just feel that 1+ month isn't enough for a well-deserved break. I mean, after all that mugging and late nights trying to squeeze all the info into self..I think I need a few more months for a complete recovery..before I can face the world proper. Not that I haven't been facing it well..But..I can't begin to imagine trying to start all over again. You know, new school, new friends, new teachers, new canteen food, new cca, new (and unfortunately) wake-up time... I can adapt to changes alright..I just don't wish to. It all boils down to...Because I'm downright and shamelessly lazy!Speaking of new friends, I think it's more of..getting together with my old pals. because, there's so many ex-rosythians going to SA that it's starting to feels like a primary school reunion! It'll be fun, I'm sure...Picture this..Someone from rosyth: You ..(nods head because I recognise person)...from rosyth..Someone from rosyth: ME TOO!! *goes on to state name..*Someone ELSE from rosyth: *comes forward because spots familiar people* Hey!! People I know!! *pointing to me..* You are Deborah right??Me: YEAH!! Do I know you?
..ELSE..: *Slightly embarrassed* Erm well..I was from 6-02..not exactly your friend..but we're still former school mates right??Me: yup..*pauses and thinks of what to say..then excuses self because spots former clique..*..When with former clique and catching up about life and how many rosythians that are..Me: isn't it such a coincidence that so many ex-rosythians ended up in SA??Friends: yeah well, looking at the whole parade square..I'd think I'm back in primary school....then we go on to play catching!! Right, pre u-lers don't do that stuff anymore..Not that I do, because I'm so 'old' that I've surpassed that auntie stage and have since transformed into ah soh..My point is..What's my point?? I forgot..128 mb really is of no use..We'll just see how everything goes..maybe JC wouldn't be as scary or however negative I make it out to be..
12:49:00 AM
Friday, December 23, 2005
MAHJONG DAY!!!I'm so excited I'm bouncing on my seat already..why aren't they here yet?!I'm so excited, the diarrheoa demon decided to invade my **** so that I can concentrate on something else besides MAHJONG!!! life isn't all about mahjong.It's also about...Presents!!!(well done deb. you haven't done any..)Yeah..I'm only buying them tomorrow. Is it too late?? know what they say..better late than never!!Oh, by the way..I really have to say this..IT IS FIMPOSSIBLE TO BUY GIFTS FOR GUYS!!! I's so difficult and.well..difficult. Isn't it, girls? Really it is..I have no inkling..Ha..suddenly feel sorry for my guy friends..maybe i should just not buy them presents and save money!! What a brilliant idea!! Too bad..who ask you all to be guys..hahaha...oh well..a kiss on the cheek will to the trick..(it rhymes!!!)Is that the doorbell I hear?MAHJONG!!!
11:02:00 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Pictures aren't uploaded yet.. But never mind!! Will soon. I just feel like blogging..huh..but then again..I don't know what to blog about..My new addiction to mahjong??I admit..I am addicted..So people..if you need any kaki.. Deb is available!!!I want to play this friday..Venue: my houseTime: any...Jeen, jo, jess, Qin..tell me if you all can make it!!King Kong rawks!!!!!(actually he roars..)But it's too damn long!! And some parts are really cheesy. But!! It's still worth the Jo says it..watching it on weekdays is zhuan dao!! Worth the pain of my arse due to sitting too long..still, a stupid headache had to spoil my got another piercing to commemorate the third month..okay..that's stupid..but..I've been wanting it for so long..Huh..that's that..nothing else.Brain's damage..
11:58:00 PM
Monday, December 19, 2005
I'm back!!!4 days and 3 nights of fun fun fun!!! And the total amount of sleep I clocked is....11+ Hours!! Last night was the first time I played tong xiao Mahjong.. Shiok man! Everyone was so dazed we were rambling and crapping like nobody's business!!The BBQ was fun too!! Although I contributed almost nothing to the BBQ-ing, I peeled prawn shells for my darling boleggers!! And not forgetting the marinate!! But of course, without the main chefs like Ah Geok, hu xu lao...(chair and vice), JY.., Hong Hong(that's what Han Qi called LH!!), Han Qi, Yan Yan.. Puay meng..(eric)..Yee'er...still got who ar?? I think everybody else except me..The food wouldn't be so good!! So good that we finished everything by 10+? That's early for BBQ right?Oh yeah, and Miss Ng and Mr Choo joined us! Miss Ng even made her specialty- chocolate banana with nuts, for all of us! I'm going to miss them.On the final night of the chalet, it just dawned on me that this is really the last time (almost) the whole class can gather as a whole group. This is the final goodbye. It was then that I realised I may not be able to see some people for a few years..4e4'05, you will always be part of the loveliest memories of my entire life..And I doubt I'll be able to forget anyone. You all made my life in XMS really fenjoyable!P.S. to Jo and Jess..Thank you both for teaching me to cycle!! (within 30 mins leh!!) If it wasn't for the persuasion and coaxing, I'll never get the chance to savour the joy of riding a bike!!to Jeen.. I really enjoyed our talk..Tehehe..(like how she will laugh..) I think there's a whole lot more of stuff we can share and discuss..We will keep in touch! =) Plus her man(JY).. Thanks for teaching me the proper way of suan-ing the tai-s.. meet up for more MJ next time!!to Jun..I hope you can reach your dream of completing the whole connection..But, the next time I see you can you be clean shaven?? Haha..thanks for your..erm..advice or insight on that sensitive issue..I'll keep you updated.. And you must too..I know your deepest darkest secret!to Qin..although we didn't really interact much during this gathering, I know you have enjoyed yourself thoroughly. That's good! see you in SA!!To ching, caiying, hong hong..yan yan..prokia..ning.and everyone else who stayed over..JJ..WY..ELIAS!!! You all have brought much joy and uncontrolled laughter..with all the boleggers..of course the room was so darn cold..That's all for now..I seriously have to catch up on my beauty sleep man.. Or I'll become a dried wrinkled prune..Pictures promised..
1:06:00 PM
Friday, December 16, 2005
Yay!!!I got into SA!!! Arts!!!Hope I can remain there with my 'O' results...For now..Who else's in SA??!!lalala~
1:19:00 PM
dreams and rumours
I am awake at this un-godly hour.I tried counting sheeps but it didn't work....Neither did reading the dictionary..word by word..Actually I had a really good sleep..until some stupid nightmare invaded my lalaLand..Darn it. It's the second time I wake up weeping because of a damn nightmare.. But this time, it wasn't so bad that I couldn't stop.Imagine my relief when I realised it was just a dream..Oh... And I heard something absoulutely famusing and funfunny that it reached the point of being hilarious!It's a rumour.Concerning me.Guess?No?Anyone who's reading this, please tell me if you have ever ever heard this before..I'm just curious as how all this came about and if it's much talked about.I'm not that affected....just very puzzled..That is...DEBORAH IS NO LONGER A VIRGIN!!!!crap..I'm laughing so hard even my toes are laughing..Me, not pure no more?? That's as funbelievable as dinosaurs returning to this era so that they can wipe out mankind and rule the planet..!!Silly rumour..Hmm..good luck to everyone! Posting is today!!
Do you believe that Deb has lost her virginity?
Results: Do you believe that Deb has lost her virginity?
7:11:00 AM
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Less than 24 hours before the postings come out!!!I hope I get into my first choice..I'm praying for myself and for all who are applying for first 3 months....Please Lord..I'm scared!!!Well, after receiving the postings, it's off to 4days 3 nights class chalet!!I expect fun fun fun!!! And loads of pictures!!..Hmm..I'm still scared!!!All the best!
6:38:00 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
After days and days of uploading the pictures..I present, THE ADVENTURE OF GENTING HIGHLANDS!(days and days is just an know, to add to the 'wow' effect..)The adventure began with these... loosely translated into english- tea leaf egg..
Joanne's very nice mom bought us each an egg and two packet of fries to fill our tummies during the journey..perhaps also to entertain ourselves?At one of the toll stations, we spotted this!!
The crime of indulging in porn must be really bad..( I thought people normally state- say no to drugs or smoking..)

No, these are not examples of porn... it's just us snoozing away..drooling away. I must admit, hui jeen, your snapping skills are better than mine..or was it my weak old shaky hands.. No la! Must be the bus..bump here bump there..
Yay!!! We finally reached Genting and were all set to zoom up via the cable car!!! The creator of the cable car is a genius! I wouldn't want to take that bumpy old coach up Genting.. The coach was so slow even those lao pok pok cars were zooming past us!
We were excited!!
Clouds engulfed us!!!It was..Just Like Heaven!! (jo was really touched!!)
The can-go must-go theme park!!
We spent our first night and Yeah, we took the bumper cars too!! Which reminds me of this particularly irritating and impatient boy who was lining up behind us.. Because I happened to be standing just infront of that boy..(grumbles..) he kept poking me and requesting that I fill up the little gap between me and Qin.. When I did move up, he inched closer and insisted that there were still space in front and that the whole group move up somemore!!! I was pissed okay! move up somemore also cannot take the ride immediately what! Stupid boy... and the mother also didn't bother controlling him!!!
When it was finally our turns, you can only imagine my glee when I took the car that was directly behind that boy's!!!! HAHAHAHAHA..I had a good time banging my ride into his..Revenge is sweet!
See, I was extremely happy..because I got to bump him.. Well, I was happy because we all had some really good bargains! If genting was so good, what will KL be like?
Another shoot of a piece of heaven on Earth..
All smiles! Because..we're off to the theme park!!

The biggest can of coke in Malaysia!!!
This merry-go-round is double decked!!! (yeah la, i'm sua ku..)
Extreme rides!!!

Yeah, we enjoy corkscrew-ing... absolutely FANTABULOUS!!!
So was the Space Shot..
I had no idea what I was in for..before the trip up, I could still smile..
I was screaming my guts out!!! I'm reminded of the terror just by peeking at this picture..*shudders*
The Flying Coaster!!! Another one of those oh-my-goodness-what-have-I-done?! things...
Jo and Jeen with their manly man..Six pec leh...
Shoes!! our Shoes!! (we were bored. An hour long the dinosaurland..)
A failed attempt at capturing the faces of the 4 gays in front of us... so we end up with the converse trademark.. (which guy would allow his guy friend to arrange his collar and brush his hand against his thigh or tugging at his jacket??)
We were so tramatised by the actions of the guys in front of us, we began to weep...
Finally... after 1++ hour of tolerating the 'porn' in front of us..we enter..DINOSAURLAND!!!
Jeen's hand is highly regarded...
Erm..this shot of supposed to include the six mascots of Genting Highland(behind us)..But I guess the guy taking this picture found us too attractive and placed us as the centrepiece instead.

Eat MARRYBROWN. And we head towards the shopping mall after an afternoon of fun at the themepark..
Cool billboard!!!
Satisfied with our purchase, we are...
This meery-go-round is so pretty!!! So fairytale!!! Back in the hotel room.Some snapshots..

HA! Fat packet of chips! Last day in Genting...

Seeing that the fountain is rather pretty(yes, I did notice that it's not working at all..all the same..), I proceeded, take a picture with it..
Not pretty... No wonder the fountain stopped's on a strike! (you know..because people treat it as a dump..)
* Gasp! A lone red flower in the middle of all the yellow ones!!! And we found it!!
The aftermath of a three-way relationship.. yeh, we broke up eventually..
Sob... Me: don't...ever one foot.. step two boats!!
(no la, we were just sad that we were leaving genting..)
Me and my nu ren-s.. We're friends again!! After much discussion (and catfight) about who shall be the 1st and 2nd..
Double gasps!!!! Jay Chou!!!! As we went on shuai-ge-hunting...
She is happy..
..As she snapped away..this was what she took..
He glares... "still take??!! Hmph! I walk away, you cannot take!!"
He grumbles... And we wonder what he was going to do next..
He enters the maze and disappears suddenly... !!! Where did our eye candy go??!!
Concerned Jeen hurries into the maze and searches desperately... come she stood up laughing?? Where is he??
*POOF* HE TURNED HIMSELF INTO A PRETTY PINK FLOWER!!! Jeen: eh, why you choose pink?
guy-who-turned-into-Flower: cannot ar?? I like leh.. Pink is my favourite colour!
Jeen: Pink is my favourite colour too!!
They went on to discuss the different shades of pink and which colours go best with pink..

I'm a happy man!!!
Hotel bed...( the four of us squeezed into two conjoined beds..)
The lousy toilet... Our shower didn't work!!!!! Bah..
Ah!! My fat arse...NAughty Jo..
Jo!! Your friends!!! (don't angry ar..)
Eating Rotiboy at KFC!!! (their rotiboy's nicer than Singapore's!! And their KFC meals are half the price of Singapore's!!)
Jerry yen!!! (no place to stand to squat between his manly legs..)
Yeah Jeen, it's fated. Brad's our destiny...
..for the jam... the reception.. check in..
Performance outside the mall..
Note: Do not wear long dresses if you are using the escalator..if you are, kindly pull the hem up. ( as I was taking this picture, I was wondering what it'd be like if a dress really got stuck.. imagine that..)
Times square is not only 4 storeys high okay..
..12 and counting!!!
Not including all the basements.. Five of them!!
We had shoes earlier now, we have sandles!!

My supper.. Sedap!!
Erm...Something possesed me..
Jo is beeming...
Jeen is very happy...
they are mad over..
BODYGLOVE!!(and they took many many photos of it..)

Still have plenty of bodyglove pictures..
Packing bag's a mess!
..and so is the bed..
..and so is my hair..
This heightened my paranoid-ism..(haha..I was so auntie and so worried over everything they could not stand me..What can I say? I'm aging prematurely)
Is it just me or is there something else in the picture?
This was the best meal throughout the trip..I dare say..
..At the verandah..
Fluffy scrambled eggs!!
Erm..I was too busy stuffing myself with all the good food I didn't manage to take pictures of everything else..

Really original Fishballs!! Their noodles rawked my socks off!!
Okay..cute baby spotted..
Looks yummy right?? It is!
..for the fishball noodles..
Oi auntie..what you searching for?? Bones in the balls ar?
Yum... The adventure ends with the remnants of the fishball noodles..
..Til next time!
11:21:00 PM