grad night
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
GRADUATION NIGHTI cannot believe it....It's graduation night and the only photo I've got is this???!!
SHOES??!!! yes, they are cute and all forming a nice pattern... But shoes???I'm so.....lost.. graduation night and no photos..RIGHT! Kidding..Beware: the following picture might shock you a brace yourselves..
A ghost has escaped from the 18th level of hell!!!!!!!!!! Get help everyone.. Nono..calm down, that's just me..doing my make-up. Fugly. I know.. (I mean just look at the size of my mouth. I really should learn how to smile more demure-ly) *blushes*
And now we skip to the end of the night(because most of the pictures are not with me..I promise I'll post them).
Here...PROM king and queen
OOO...having a little trouble there..
..due to the lack of pictures, we shall skip after the prom. When the girls came over to my nest to party!! okay, it was just a movie marathon.. Still, a girls night out is always fun!
Jess (sorry your eyes are closed) know, you looked really gorgeous last night! I'm glad you had your self-esteem back. You are really pretty, you know that? It's been a good two years sitting beside you and sharing your ups and downs.. Cheer up okay? Everything will resume back to normal.. Keep in touch!
LOve you!
Joanne (sorry the picture's so blur)
Hey sweetie! You melt anyone with your smile!! The same, you look stunnishing..hahaha..I'm glad I got to know you better this year. You are so bubbly and free-spirited, you lift anyone up when they are down. And you're so cute when you start your laughing fit that wouldn't stop for at least 20 minutes... Laughing is good..So keep laughing!!
LoVe you!!
Hey, greatest friend of the whole entire universe!!! Yup, seven years and we're still going strong (I hope).. No seven years itch right?? let's walk under the bamboo poles again someday. Hmm...I'm stuck for words and I don't really know what to say. I mean..I've written so many long(and naggy) letters to you..and, you and I know each other inside ou,t pretty much. So...I guess you know what I wanna say. If not, read your message in the grad book once more. I really hope your dream comes true. And that you will be there to witness the arrival of Leo. okay..don't ever forget me!!! because you ARE a HUGE part of my life..
LovE you!!!
Some other pictures for you all to enjoy..But there's more to stay tuned.
Mother duck (me) and her ducklings.

Aren't we G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S??!!
HA! I think I look like a tranny though...
Bye for now..
6:22:00 PM
Friday, November 25, 2005
It seems that blogging has lost its appeal. At least for me. Maybe it's because that's nothing to blog about...nothing going on (there is grad night)..I guess I'm just too tired and can't conjure the mood to blog.It would be normal for a person who's stressed out to suffer from insonmia. Sleepless nights, massive amounts of tossing and turning or such. But for a person (me), who have finally crossed the last hurdle (the 'o' levels) and have no other major happenings to worry about, not being able to sleep until the wee hours despite lying in bed for the last 2 hours or so, it is definitely not normal. Something must be wrong. Am I not eating well? Am I troubled? Most importantly, why do I not feel like a free bird but more of a caged one?Hmm...the root of all this must be PMS. Then again, is it Pre or Post?Qin's coming back today!
3:36:00 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005
Shopping is not fun. Anymore.Why, is it so difficult to get a decent dress for my grad night???i suspect my requirements are too high. Still...something should satisfy me right??Singapore has sufficient labels and shops!!!Heck it. I'm going to try my luck tomorrow. And IF I do not suceed...I'll try again, the next day...and the day after next..and the day after the day after next..and..okay..I take my first statement back.Shopping is fun. (the one who said shopping is not fun was definately not Deborah Ng)I can't get to sleep!!! What's wrong with me and wierd sleeping patterns? Something must be seriously wrong with my internal body clock(not that I have an external one). It's either SLEEPLESS nights, or nightmares. Sigh.The 'O's are over. But I feel that stress is just starting to get to me.What stress is there, now that there's no mugging to do???Help.
5:19:00 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
3 more papers..History...Chemistry paper 1...Chemistry paper 2...1 more DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 more day til the end of this ordeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm jumping with joy *jumps* at the prospect of the end of the 'O'!!! Imagine, at exactly 5.45pm tomorrow evening...Chief examiner: Please stop writing.*students stop writing and heave a sigh of the same time, looking up at him(chief examiner) expectedly, like kids stretching out their palms, or bags..wadever, for trick or treat. Some are fidgeting, others are trying to register the fact that it's the end into their very tired mind..*after a few tormenting minutes..Chief examiner: You may exit the hall now.(exactly how he would say it)..and proceed on to tear up your entry proof and your texts..burn them if you like but just don't destroy any public facilities..I suggest.... blah blah blah...And then everyone will be bursting out of the school hall cheering and hollering like some middle age person who struck the 2.8 million lottery.Isn't it all so very exciting??!!!And..and...the lot of us will be chiong-ing to J8 to catch 'HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE' !!!!!!!!!!!!! Can hardly wait..(although I heard the movie sucks big time..)..the movie version of my favourite book of the harry potter series!!!YAY!!!! *skips around somemore..*
4:57:00 PM
end of week
Saturday, November 12, 2005 lah..kidding.. But I really was...shall I say..Frustrated? Yup.. I actually wanted to post some pictures Joanne and Jess took today. But then..! Photobucket corked up!!! And deleted my photos after I uploaded like almost 2/3 of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, I gave up and decided not to blog tonight.Still, I'm here.... Mainly because it's been a long time since I last written something (not considering english paper 1). And I miss blogging..In fact, I miss life. Life before all the mugging and mugging began. Just doing nothing and sitting on my fat arse, shaking my legs the whole day.(not literally) Meaning to say, I' no..I was able to live day by day without worries, without fear and doubts. Now, my whole being is filled with dread and negative thoughts, robbing me of my usuallly or otherwise cheerful and carefree self. Invasion of my mind has started. And I don't know how to get the occupants out. It's not that I detest studying (gaining knowledge and what nots), and would much rather slack and be an unproductive organism. I just... Am sick of worrying so much, about what will happen next, will I get my desired grades.... Getting used to it is tough.. And I don't intend to. But, I just hope everything returns to what it used to be.And to prove that I'm not as happy as I use to be..I'm actually starting to dream!! And having dreams, to me, means I'm stressed and too tired.. No, the dreams weren't sweet (they didn't consist of candies and chocolate fudge)...they were confusing and energy-sapping dreams!! Even though some of them ARE amusing(no, I do not giggle while I would I know anyway right?)...I don't like having dreams!! I just wish for a dreamless night when I can really rest my mind.Actually, I'm not that glum about everything. It feels like any other exam. With the addition of more nail-biting and palm sweating...What I mean to say is, much as I would like to feel as though this is a normal exam (so that I can calm myself down), I cannot. Simply because THE GCE 'O' LEVEL EXAMINATION IS NOT ANY ORDINARY EXAM! It determines your future. More or less. Anyway, there are 8 more papers to go. It's just not fair that some people have only 3! Okay fine, I'm envious of these people. But!! I shall not give up for there's only one more week to go!One more week to my fate. (already decided because papers all in ma..)Feeling so washed out, I've therefore decided to slack today, in preparation for running a longer distance!! (you know that chinese phrase?? Xiu xi yi xia shi yao zhou gen chang de lu) Rented movie to watch... 'Underworld'. It has a nice plot, just not original enough.. and not gory enough. Not enough of everything!! And I don't get why it's NC-16.. Just because they mention "...Fuck...!" in their dialoge doesn't make it NC-16! The scenes are so mild and not-bloody... It shouldn't even be PG!! And the ending is just so typical. So what if they got Kate Beckinsale as lead? Yes, she's got a hot bod, and they've got a hot plot. The way they directed it just did not make this a must-watch. Well, I got my rest anyhow.. I don't mind another mediocore thriller. No, actually I do. In case amanda* is reading this, I'm sorry we didn't accompany you to watch 'Just like Heaven'. If I knew i couldn't study at home, I'd have gone with you!!Ah ha ha...I'm feeling so HIGH out of a sudden. But the prospect of mugging for all my not-so-favourite (what am I talking about??there can only be ONE favourite right??) subjects just brought me DOWn to a new low....So it's official?
12:53:00 AM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.Sugar. Honey. Ice. TeaThese were the only words that ran through my stumped being...or mind..whatever.. when I turned to the last page of the ss question booklet at 2.00pm sharp.Q2) This question is on Conflicts in Sri Lanka...Q3)This question is on Conflicts among countries..... Q4) This question is on Venice...Refusing to believe what I believed I was seeing...I read through a gazillion times before the truth finally sank in..NONE OF WHAT I STUDIED CAME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!-education and health...nope (isn't it supposed to be a hot topic)- sustaining development in the 21st century...nope..- industrial restructring...nope..- Population? NOPE!!!!! ( came out in source-based)Awhile later..After recovering from temporary shock, I proceeded on to the source-based questions where I can HOPEFULLY do well in..And well, sort of spend close to an hour on the SBQ before I did the SEQ(oh, I did Venice in the end. Most of it was a shitload of crap)...while shaking my head in disbelief throughout the remaining half an hour...I cannot believe this is happening.And due to this..very big blow( you see, I was pinning my hopes on combined humanities since my a math and chem isn't of much help)..I think I'm sort of sot mental..But, no worries, the school shall not be blamed. Because..I did not study Venice..not VEry NICE right?Ah well, what's over and done. Unless I sneak into MOE headquarters and miraculously find my paper by ploughing through the thousands of other kids'. Fat hope man!
Look, I do study ok...just not VENICE!!!(ARGH!!!!!!!!)

Yes, here I am..Once again proving that I study... (excuse the leg..I like this posture. No problem right..)
And while I study, I get distracted and carried away by certain highly influencing these!!!
OOOO....What do I see...strawberry margarita!!!!!!!!!! With a pretty looking lemon and salt on the edge!!
My all time favourite!!! Tenderloin Steak!!! NO, the steak isn't the yellow pile infront.. the steak is blocked by this huge scoop of MASHED POTATO!!! Have you seen mashed potato served as much as the size of your palm??? Or..or..even bigger than your palm!! (Gasp!!)

And what Better beverage than COLD CHILLED BEER to compliment my all time favourite food?? Some say this is better than Calsberg...!!! Calsberg's still my fave!!!

Now now..No meal is complete without dessert.. Here we have, BROWNIE AND VANILLA ICE CREAM!!! what a wicked combination. Disappointed with the Brownie though..Not thick enough!!! No weight at all..
Besides food, sinful distractions, I have another fetish.. TODDLERS AND 'LIL BABIES!! (babies are little right? so redundant word..heck)
Ya lar ya lar...I'm a all who are younger than me(yes, sec 3s beware too!! *winks) stay clear of me!!
Isn't she just adorable?? ..and..and...cuddly?? Look at her huge beautiful eyes and baby smooth complexion!!! (duh, she is afterall a young one.)Oh, and the good thing?? she's easily pleased and does not cry!!
This picture is erm...taken without consent..(oops) I just couldn't resist!! look at how the baby placed his/her little hands(in mittens) on his/her chest while he/she dosed off!! And he/she was so guai!! Gave the family some peace to enjoy their breakfast at MacDonalds.
I also want a baby!!! Nah, I'm too lazy to bring it up proper. Don't want the baby to end up in the orhanage being labelled as the-child-who-was-abused-and-abandoned.

Oh!!! What is this??!!! (and she gets distracted again..) A PINK LONDON CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!where in Singapore can you find a London Cab which is splashed with a coat of HOT PINK PAINT????!! How rare is that??!! It's like spotting a dodo bird on the walkway of orchard road!!

What's this?? Another distraction?? A Bright orange sign that says... Right..THE BIG 'O'. I get's god's way of introducing some form of reminder into my never ending distractions...
deb's a little least for the next few milleniums...
9:04:00 PM
feeling good
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Well well well...14 MORE DAYS TIL FREEDOM!!! (at least for the next 5+ weeks after the exams)And what can I say? I'm aniticipating the moment when I walk out of the examination hall at 6.00 pm on the 18th of November. God bless us all.huh...a tad drained of ideas to blog. I wonder why? My mind is all filled with.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................formulas, points of arguement(history and ss), basic concept and processes............................I guess. That, and cause there really isn't anything interesting about mugging. Is there? Or maybe there just isn't anything worth mentioning, in my life. Currently, that is. Oh, and guess what? I, the technology inept, cannot get the pictures uploaded. Again. Even with the FREAKING BLUETOOTH DONGLE!!!x(I'll figure it out eventually. I'd better.."Feelin' Way Too Damn Good"I missed you so muchThat I begged you to fly and see meYou must've broke downCoz you finally said that you wouldBut now that you're hereI just feel like I'm constantly dreamingCoz something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feelin' way too damn goodFor 48 hours I don't think that we left my hotel roomShould show you the sightsCoz I'm sure that I said that I wouldWe gotta make love just one last time in the showerWell something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feelin' way too damn goodAnd it's like, every time I turn aroundI fall in love and find my heart face down andWhere it lands is where it shouldThis time it's likeThe two of us should probably start to fightCoz something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feeling way too damn good, ohFeelin' way too damn goodSometimes I think best if left in the memoryIt's better kept inside than left for goodLookin' back each time they tried to tell meWell something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feelin' way too damn goodAnd it's like, every time I turn aroundI fall in love and find my heart face down andWhere it lands is where it shouldThis time it's likeThe two of us should probably start to fightCoz something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feeling way too damn good, ohFeelin' way too damn goodOh, oh, feelin' way too damn goodI missed you so muchThat I begged you to fly and see meYou must've broke downCoz you finally said that wouldBut now that you're hereI just feel like I'm constantly dreamingCoz something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feelin' way too damn goodAnd it's like, every time I turn aroundI fall in love and find my heart face down andWhere it lands is where it shouldThis time it's likeThe two of us should probably start to fightCoz something's gotta go wrongCoz I'm feeling way too damn good, oh, ohFeelin' way too damn good(I missed you so muchThat I begged you to fly and see me)Feelin' way too damn good(I missed you so muchThat I begged you to fly and see me)
12:11:00 PM