no emotions
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Qin: Eh..are you stressed?Me: Over?Qin: The 'O' levels? duh..Me: oh..(ponders for two sec)..actually..No..Within 37 more (freaking) days, I'm going to take my first written paper. Yes, 37 more days!!!!Yet, I'm doing nothing about it. I don't feel stressed..I don't feel the urge to study..I don't worry about what will happen if I screw it up..I don't feel nothing at all!!Well, now that I've confessed that I don't worry....I'm worrying.. the ultimate -_-lllAhh!!!! Why am I freaking myself out?!Conscience: ..because you haven't been doing ANY serious mugging since the end of prelims!!! Go study you lazy bum!!Well, that's absolutely....true.So, just..let me for the remaining 37 days. NO DISTRACTIONS!!!!hmmm..why is everyone going on about how we will not be in touch in the future? I mean...It's the undeniable truth. But we can all still try our hardest right?We can say that,"oh..because I don't keep in touch with my primary school friends I guess it'll be the same for secondary school friends.."But, I believe we'd all forged stronger bonds with our secondary school mates, haven't we? Believe it or not, secondary school friends do play a huge part in anyone's life..and they will remain in our hearts for as long as we live. How can any one forget what happened in these precious four years? So, I say, my friends..Please let's all stop worrying and enjoy all we can!!! Keeping in touch or not, we'll still try our best. Or let's all just make an about that? OK...cherish all that's left now..and stay jovial!!
11:08:00 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I want to say a BIG thank you to Kelvin Gor Gor!!!Guess why....Because, he ................................................................................................................................bought smth for me..................................................................
something that I DESPERATELY want!!!!!THE COMPLETE DVD SET OF THE O.C. SEASON 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now, I can watch the O.C.. anytime I want! Don't have to wait once a week for that 45 short mins anymore!!! I'm so envious of Seth and Summer..(rachel bilson and adam brody)! they Look so cute together! THey are together in real life anyways..Oh, and there's still season 3!!! Can't wait!! lalala~ Thanks aLot man!!!!Muacks!!!love you!! oops, I take back..scully mo mo ren jealous..People of XMS, Let's all enjoy our day off tomorrow!!! going to watch 'Corpse Bride'! AHHH..such a fan of johnny! WEEEE~...And when J.lim overheard that we were going out, he was like,"But you all have to stay at home to study!" So I argued..."The day off is for us to enjoy wad..very nan de have this kind of chances.." But he reasoned further..."No. The day off is so that you students can sleep in later and take a rest before revising. So you all must stay at home and study ah.." the way he was saying it, it was as if he was telling 3-year-olds how to play monopoly..But, J.lim is a fantabulous history teacher! I like his style, and he's cute! Ha! However, Mr S**** still more man la.. P.S. To everyone whom I talked to today, you all made my day! At Least better than it was. Thanks! I'm blessed!
10:36:00 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
6 more weeks to the examinations that all of us have just been dying to take!Really, it is rather exciting knowing IT is coming. And the extremely sparse amount of time that we all have to prepare! And the topics and chapters that desperately need to be polished/brushed up! Oh, the amount of time I'm wasting on slacking and day-dreaming... Wow! exciting man!!I can hardly wait for the examinations to come knocking one fine day!!Been staying back in the conference room til 7+++ these few days..Erm, can't say I can concentrate better. But, at least, I'm not subjected to the temptation of spreading myself on the bed for a good afternoon nap at home. Wait. Then again, I'm such a pig I can sleep anywhere, anytime! Just give me smth to lie or lean against..and tadah!!!! You have a dead log - ME!!!Anyway, the studying turned out to be more of bonding with cheng dear..hahaha..don't think so much ok? Cheer up!!Once again, let's CHIONG AH!!!
8:56:00 PM
sunshine after the rain
I realised I write very lllooooooonnnnnnggggg...and very demoralising entries. Well, demoralising at least for the last one. So, shall I start to cut short and be more cheery??But hard to cut short leh..My entires just reflect me. How long-winded and naggy I am. Hor, Qin? Remember to eat your veggies!!Be more cheery can la..cause..I guess there's indeed sunshine after the rain! Let's just say, with the amount of listening ears and shoulders to lean on, I feel much much better. To people who had to endure my whining, I hope you don't find me unreasonable..and Thankew(for making my monday better)!just some random thoughts..How come more and more girls in school sporting the tuft-of-grass type of hair? Lower sec girls to be exact. I mean, want to layer also don't layer until become so short that it has no choice but to stand like a...well...tuft of grass.. It may seem funky on cool on some. Yes, I do think the hairstyle works on some people...But, others have to exaggerate and make it all tuft-fy...oh..the 'social etiquette and grooming' course will come in handy! Ah, the management should sign them up for the course too!Is NYJ a good choice? How come some people say good, some people say bad? They are top 9 after all. All I know is that a lot of XMS peeps going NYJ. Someone (better if you are from NYJ) please enlighten me. I'm really looking forward to joining NYJ. And their dragon boat team!Speaking of which, am I not cut out for dragonboat racing?Me: eh, I got 11 leh..Coach: Wanna come VJ? Then you can be in my team again.Me: How can?11 leh..too much.I wanna join NYJ!!and try dragonboat racing!!Coach: Dragonboat?! Don't make my toes laugh!Me: -_-lll I cannot make it meh...Coach: Try out lo. Haha..Nevermind! I'll prove him wrong! wahahahahahah~So exciting! The prospect of going to a new school, new environment, new friends, new life...on the other hand...Life in XMS...will be ending soon. Cherish every moment you all! Let's Pia, Chiong, Jia you Together!!!
1:48:00 AM
sunshine doused
Sunday, September 25, 2005
What a huge joke...I remember saying, at the beginning of the week, that this week was most probably the happiest week for me this year. Turns out, this happy week has to end on the most unpleasant note. Wait. A week begins on a Sunday. So, today is a new week!! Ah well, after having the happiest week...I have to say.. THIS WEEK IS PROBABLY THE WORST WEEK OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!For a blissful week, I thought I was the most fortunate girl ever to breathe on the face of the Earth. It seemed that I had everything going extremely well for me. I had the support of my family, the company of good friends, relatively good results(for now, I'm going to get 8/below for the 'O'), attention and love... I was on cloud nine for that 1 week, 7 days, everyday for 24 hours..every single minute. I guess someone decided I had my share of happiness. Probably thought I had more than enough of it and decided to take it away. And so, the happy week came crashing down on me. Like a plane out of control, it dove into the deep blue and sank to the seabed 189 miles below sea level. Never to rise again to let the sunshine flow over its smooth metallic body. Remained cold and dead, under the deep blue.To that person who wiped out the light of my life,Please know that nothing else was affecting me until you tried to intervene. You are the only person/thing that is upsetting me. Don't talk about me not being able to focus on the most important thing. Don't tell me I don't know what's best for me. Because I know. I know what I want and, mark my words, I will work for it and achieve it.I was a blardy fool to think that by telling you about what's going on with my life, I'll have your support and trust. I thought I was playing my part of being a filial one...and I seriously thought you got my point. To tell you the truth, my thinking, of you being supportive, was a huge part of why I was happy. How naive and gullible can I get?In the end, I was just living in a fairy tale that will never come true, any time soon. For 1 happy week, I was living a fairy tale. I don't want to be feeling so negative towards you. In fact..please also know that you are the only person whom i can both love and detest at the same time. But most of the time, when my happiness is affected, you are the main cause. That's something you'll have to think about. seriously, I can mope for days and days because of you. Nothing else will affect me the way you are now. I just want to get away from you!Do you know you are hurting me bad?So bad that even LP could not numb me. My usual sleep-and-feel-better secret formula did nothing to soothe me. Are you glad now that you know you have made my life so utterly miserable?!Oh, and for the record, he DOES NOT affect me one bit. In fact, I believe, he's even more supportive and understanding than you! He's the one who's giving me some fucking space to breathe. Not forcing me to do something I'll definately regret. Neither is he sapping me of my happiness and future like you are. At least we have an understanding. You and I, we cant see eye to eye. I thought we had one too, but you had to spoil it all.I'm too tired to try to squeeze out any optimism out of this. I've tried and I've fail. Too tired to explain my point and make you see.For the last time, I know what I'm doing and I will do well. I will, if you will just stop doing all these stuff which just make me miserable. I plead you. Scatch that. It's really up up to you if you want to destroy me or not. I cannot take this anymore I'm saying everything I've said beforeAll these words they make no senseI find bliss in ignoranceLess I hear the less you'll sayBut you'll find that out anywayJust like beforeEverything you say to meTakes me one step closer to the edgeAnd i'm about to breakI need a little room to breatheAnd i'm about to breakI find the answers aren't so clearWish I could find a way to disappearAll these thoughts they make no senseI find bliss in ignoranceNothing seens to go awayOver ad over againYou try to take the best of meGO AWAY!Shut up when I'm talking to you
9:09:00 PM
i'm tired
Dad (to Qin jokingly): Eh, so what are you going to do about it?Qin (to dad): About what?Dad (to me): Does she know about it?Me: Duh.. (like how can she not know anything about me)Dad (to Qin): Oh..well. I'm losing a daughter and you are losing a friend. What are you going to do about it?Qin: *appears to be amused by the question* like that lo..what can I do? It's her choice what.Me: Hai..where got losing? Nothing is happening what..That's just a small part of the conversation over the very-nice-food-but-not-very-nice-conversation dinner just now. Well, i can't complain can I? I mean, I should be feeling fortunate that I have such a understanding and open-minded father to talk to. I should be. But I'm not feeling that! I did feel so last night, I thought we had an understanding. Apparantly not. I can't blame anyone.But it's part of growing up isn't it? People might argue that there are 10 million other ways of growing up. But it's my problem, and I'll deal with it. Intelligently, I hope. I hope I'm making the right decision.Anyway, don't wanna talk about that. Let's skip the subject.So, as a post birthday celebration for Qin, we went to Shaw house to catch 'The Myth'. Initially, I thought of going Changi Airport to study and enjoy a Swenson's dinner afterwards. But, celebration go study like very..anti-climax...and Qin, you wanted to watch a movie right?Yup, so 'The Myth'. Better than I'd expected. Much better. It's a JCE production anyway, so should be quite good right? But, I was skeptical at first. I wanted to watch 'The Cave'! Sadly, neither Cine nor Lido had a suitable timeslot, so 'The Myth' it is. It's about this archaelogist (jackie Chan) having frequent dreams about being this respectale Meng Yi Jiang Jun. And, he's in love with a Korean princess called Yu Shu! Well, how in love can you be with another person whom you only see in your dreams and illusions? Apparantly, very much for this particular guy. Midway through the movie, he and his friend went on this expedition to find the answers to this 2000-year-old mystery of some unknown forces which can levitate humans and stuff. And they somehow managed to come in contact with the Qin period. Erm, not quite, because it was the princess who ate the chang shen bu lao pill.The dialouge was damn corny. The effects were okay. The humour level was okay/fab. The story line was fab-ber!..alternating between the present and the Qin dynasty 2000 years ago. How can the timechange be so abrupt and yet not too confusing? All i can say it that I enjoyed the show, and the company of course. And Qin, stop thinking you have your very own dynasty. haha...Afterwhich, we ventured into 'That CD Shop' in Pacific Plaza. Very amazing can. The range and price there is just..WOW..and I was acting like a five-year-old in a candy shop. One can find anything they want there! Any movie, any genre of music, any cartoon...ANYTHING!! OH!!! And I found the compiled DVD version of The O.C. Season 1!!!! Only $69.90!!!!Cheaper than anywhere else. Beat that, all the episodes compiled and it's DVD!!! How better can it get??!!! To my upset, it's M18, so not permitted to buy! And...aye..don't wanna talk about it..So, can any 18/above kind soul buy it for me??? I'll pay you back! I'm really desperate, cause only two left and I've yet to find the DVD set anywhere else in Singapore. So, PLEASE...Lastly, I've decided to go NYJ after graduating from XMS. I think it's most suitable and convenient. Heard a lot of XMS peeps wanna go NY. eh, let's go bombard NY, and most of the cohort will be from XMS! ha.. Guess what? I've also decided/am still contemplating about joining the Dragon Boat TEAM!! what's great is that I can have a fab tan and ogle at shuai, hunky muscular dragon boat guys! ha!yay!!! I feel the sunshine seeping into me..I feel happy again! (not quite..Bah..!!)
12:09:00 PM
happy birthday to qin
Thursday, September 22, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR QIN!!!Finally, the day has arrived! You are officially 16!!!So...No more suan-ing from people. No more rejections from playing pool (not that it's a necessity). No more coming up with wyas of sneaking into theatres screening NC-16 movies.No more law to protect you..cause you are legal!plus...No more acting acting like a fifteen-year-old...!!! So you must act 16. Not that it will make that much a difference. 1 year older only...365 days.. Anyway, it's better to be childish. For a simple reason, and that is to keep me young at heart! You know, all the times when you complain of being naggy and having a body/physique of a 60-year-old granny.. Being not too mature really keep me feeling younger. No, actually it just makes me feel like your nanny. But well, don't be too mature, cause I won't have anyone to nag at.So, stay childish, stay lame...once again, HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!
12:30:00 AM
happy, happy, and happy
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Lord has been kind to me this week...Because, I believe, this is possibly the happiest week for the whole year!!! I'm practically bouncing on my seat! I can feel the bliss coursing through my veins, fusing into my blood and affecting (in the most positive way of course) every single one of my cells, tissues, liquid plasma..etc..Even my germs and bacteria share my joy!I know some people may think," Siao ar? This week getting back the dreaded prelimary results can..and she can claim to be happy.." My anwser to that: So? What can anyone do about the results if they are satisfied with theirs? Regardless of you moping around or, I would much prefer to, stay positive (there's always a way out), Life still goes on. So be happy!!! So far, I'm okay with my results..I just hope I won't screw up the rest of my subjects.. *cross fingers cross toes*Why am so high?Seriously, I don't really know the exact anwser to that...but, well...*winks*Attended the grooming course for the past two was, not exactly useful and not as boring as i expected it to be. The coaches do make a difference. So it was really because of coach Addex, coach Sean, and coach Brandon(he didn't do a lot of stuff though), that the session was quite interesting. But! They very slack!! As in we rushed through the slides and completed what was supposed to be done for the whole 4 hours in a SINGLE hour! For the rest of it, the class and coaches talked about our aspirations, life after secondary education, and basically, life. Not surprisingly, our class didn't know what coach Luke was asking about during the session in the school hall. Actually feel like the money paid for this is quite wasted. least we know why the core of the Earth is so hot, how to apply perfume, what to eat to prevent outbreaks, how to bun our hair, and for the guys, how to style theirs. These are some useful tips that came out of Luke not as shuai as people made out to be..but he was certainly very charming and charasmatic..he really deserves his title of being Mr Popularity.Please don't let it rain tonight! There was a series of bolts of lightning earlier on and it freaked me out! Reminded me of 'War of the Worlds'. I seriously thought that alien beings would erupt from underneath and suck us all dry! End of the world? I doubt'd probably end after the 'O'..
12:15:00 AM
good day
Monday, September 19, 2005
It's been a really long time since I spent the whole day with my family..(especially at the much dreaded 'cc') Although i had to wait an hour for my sis to finish her lessons before we could start our fun, I enjoyed today, nontheless.. Yup, had fun just lazing around, bowling, steambathing!!! I like!!Eh..I want to have a poolside party leh..But what's the occassion? Beginning of o level examination.By the way, it's 50 more days to go..!!Oh, I'm so happy today that I couldn't help gorging myself with food at dinner. DELECTABLE FOOD!! One of man's greatest joy in life is to eat!! Indeed..I'm a true blue glutton at heart. Ah well, eat first then go on diet..just wrote my testimonial..wanna take a look?if you aren't fond of bhb-ness..please skip this post...
so you want to carry on?you have been warned!My personality
I am a very
people oriented person. When anyone is in trouble or in desperate need of help, I’ll try my utmost to lighten the person’s load and also solve his or her problem. Being a
good listener, I put my gift to good use – anyone can approach me if they need someone to talk or rant to. Usually, they will feel better after the ‘counseling’ session, which is also how I make close friends. Yes, I am
warm and approachable, so I guess I like being around friends and family too, because I genuinely
care for people and animals. =)
respectful towards others is definitely one of my life principles. So, I do not fool around with people’s emotions. Since I’ve always been taught to share,
generosity is also one of my good points. And I can safely say that people enjoy and are grateful for what I have to offer because I
seldom hesitate when asked for any kind of help.
I see myself as an
optimist because I believe everyone has to live life to its fullest and take whatever that comes in our stride. This is also another trait I have that affects people around me in the most positive manner. My optimism also contributes to my rather
high self-esteem. So it’s not very easy for anyone to try to put me down.
I am
open to new ideas and always listen to what my group members have to say about a project’s development or progress. Together, with teamwork and cooperation, my group is able to shine in all aspects.
Responsibility plays a monumental role in my life as I had to lead my volleyball teammates and at the same time, cope with the demands of being a well-liked chairperson in class. All the same, I try my best to fulfill both sides.
I also have a
never-say-die attitude towards anything and everything, which I believe has developed during the tough, strenuous yet rewarding volleyball trainings. I will
persist and give it my all in anything I do, including my studies.
This is just my personality! plenty more of achievements..but i guess I'll just spare your sore eyes for now. Quick go put eye-mo!
1:18:00 AM
mooncake/latern festival
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mooncake/lantern Festival CelerbrationI had such a wonderful time today!!! Qin.Jess. Jo. Hui Jeen(santa). Kobe. Jun. Jy. BenHeng. Wy.They are really a fun group to be with. I mean, it's a good mix and i like.. =)Anyway, we did what people do during this festival...light up lanterns and walk around(quite pathetic, we had a small perimeter to walk on), eat mooncakes, shang yue, use candles to design something on the ground (the sweet guys did a 4e4 sign!!), and for most of the night. we just sat in a circle playing 'truth or dare' while gorging ourselves with junk food! (and ice jelly cocktails) Unbelievable-ly, it was honestly the first time I spent mooncake festival away from family. Wow. I'm taking a step further. (who will I do Christmas with?)Don't worry people from the group mentioned above, your secrets are extremely save with moi..and i really don't like the whistling sparkle. I'm very timid, I know. But I'm still afraid of them.Strange, I woke up just now feeling that all last night was all a dream. A very very long dream, consisting of both sweet dreams and nightmares...(the following is an apology)To Qin: I'm guilty and deeply sorry for putting our friendship at risk. (is it at risk?or was it just a test) It was partly my fault because this whole thing/arguement wouldn't have started if i hadn't test the waters. Oh gosh...And I am so sorry for making you tear!!! I didn't really sound apologetic over the phone. But just to let you know, I feel like a complete bitch for hurting you or making you worry.Besides the point that I'm sorry, I want to plead you to not not(don't even try) be close to me. Because, frankly, I would be the unhappiest person on the face of the earth. Remember what i told you about making life at school better for me? I bet you didn't know that and it's the truth.(cross my heart and swear to die) so imagine what life will be for me if there wasn't a you?I know you do not like the idea of it. That was partly the reason why I did not tell you everything or anything for that matter. I was afraid you'd be...upset with stuff that I'll say, so I chose not to tell you. I guess that was a wrong move, which was definately my fault, because best friends are supposed to tell every single event or emotions experienced to each other. So I'll tell you everything ok? But promise me you won't react the way you reacted when I told you about my parents being okay with it. At that moment, I thought I'd let you know about what my parents felt...but i made you upset again..=( so that kinda put a wall between us, because I know that I can't share everything with you without making you feel negative. So if you ask, I'll say. I'll not even wait til you ask what do you think? Has our friendship cross the sea? Passed the test? Is there a way I can make it better besides...I hope so. If i lose this, it'll devastate me. Naturally, it's because you play a monumental role in my life. So please accept my apology.DebWell, that went..rather...well.*weak smile on faceOh, I wanna thank daddy for being so understanding. Really didn't expect you to let me make my own decisions. I hope I'm not making wrong ones and that i'll not disappoint you. I need you to help me cross the road. SAFELY.And am happy that * is considerate enough. You're right.For people who are sick of reading me write to Qin...sorry..cannot be helped. You wanna read about it de.Therefore, I shall try my best not to make Qin upset anymore so there'll be less apologies?Bittersweet~
8:00:00 AM
end of prelim..a new beginning
Friday, September 16, 2005
The official end of prelims!...yet another new beginning waiting for us. Scratch that. It isn't waiting for us, it's already here, staring us right in the eyes..Black cold Limpid pools... The 'O'. Sorry if i'm acting like a blardy wet blankie. I just wanna remind 'meself'. Chinese was..really..not alright. But, like I always say, it's over! No use regretting and moping over it.There IS one good thing about going to school for the paper though. Mr S**** invigilated my batch!!! And I was sitting right smack in the middle of the front row!!!Hey, I seem to treat everything without the slightest significance right? Like nothing is THAT important to me. huh..I really haven't found anything that will make me put all my heart and soul in. I've since lost the ability to love, to have the blazing passion for something, to feel so deeply for something/someone that I could not breathe without them. Sad. A life without passion is as good as being dead. I want to pump in some life!!! I miss playing vball! Anyone keen to go sentosa for a game of beach vball? I wanna soak up some sun! Play with some aqueous sodium chloride!! Make sandcastles with lover-ly modes around them!!! Lay on the soft white sand to get a tan (nevermind it increases the possibility of me getting skin cancer) !!!! I want to experience life on the beach again.I suddenly feel the urge to make a list of...What I'm grateful for.1. The Lord above
I know you are there always, watching over me, loving me. And you really do help me get through some toughies. Thank you!!!2. My wonderful, awesome, open, understanding, humourous, unpredictable, loving, watchful, yet not very mature daddy!!
lalala~I love you okay? And can you ask another question besides "Are you pregnant?" everytime you see me? Muacks!!3. My lover-ly, naggy but at the same time adorable (she really looks cute even when she is fuming/frustrated/upset) mommy!
hehe..I will listen to you in the future! At least try to.=) Although you don't really express it, I know you love me with your life. Muacks!4. My very *10^infintity irritating sister!
yeah, stop getting on my nerves can? Already look 60 and you still wanna make me age some more!!Aye, love you too la..but you really very..5. 4e4.United.Boleg!
Wah..what would I be without you guys! I don't know what is it. everyone is just least I think so. I mean I think we are the only class that tries to do everything together - painting banner/sign board, picking pebbles, decorating of classroom, planning outings...the list does not stop here.. Even though some of us may have differences and disputes, I'm sure they can be worked out.6. Qin
Well, what can I say? It's your fortune to know me! and to be fair,vice-versa. Hope the seven-years-of-bad-luck spell won't vanish!7. Vball peeps!
Really made my life in xinmin. some not so like-able memories, some fantastic ones, others unforgettable ones. Defined my character since. Miss all the trainings and meals.. of course, I miss swiss. 8. Having proper education and a roof over my head.
Just look at the children in africa suffering from aids and malnutrition! And their living standard. I am thankful. Even for the electricity and hot water!9. Being complete. As in not handicapped. All 5 senses in proper working condition.10. Being well-to-do.
(don't wish to elaborate because it comprises of a whole load of stuff i'm grateful for.)11. Nice-ness!
12. Happiness...
I'm happy just by looking at all the stuff I'm truly grateful for. Although most of the time i do take them for granted, I'm happy now!can't think of anything else for the moment. Maybe I'll update it?Oh, I'm happy for another reason. Summer and Seth are back TOGETHER!!!!p.s. Can anyone offer to buy the O.C. season 1 and 2 for me????Please???*implores into your eyes with her own bambi ones..
6:32:00 PM
physics prac
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Phew..both practicals are over!I think today's was okay. But not confident about it. Make that extremely not confident. The calculations were alright.Both my graphs looks weird though. Ah well, it's over. Now, all I have to think about is CHINESE!!!double crap! Haven't touch it yet. And the papers are tomorrow. WOW... (way to go man) So, assuming that prelim's L1R5 can use the earlier 'O' chinese's results, I still have a glimmer of hope. *cross fingers cross toes..I cannot stand it when people take advantage of me. I mean, me being nice to everyone isn't an indication that anyone/everyone can make me do anything they want me to do! People just thrive on my nice-ness..they think i won't get angry is it???!!!! How can they assume that I will do it? What makes them think I will gladly do it?conscience: eh, you do will eventually feel oblinged to help themSo what???!!!conscience: so...people won't be afraid of making you mad. Because, you will never. after 5 minutes of numbing your mind with LP..HmpH!!! We shall see! I don't wanna be nice anymore!!!okay, that last statement wasn't me..I was temporarily possessed by some evil being. Ahh...I just hope that I can be firmer (mentally) so that I can learn how to say "NO!"QUIDAM!!! HERE I COME!!!
4:30:00 PM
the O
ALERT ALERT!!!53 more freaking days to THE GCE 'O' LEVELS EXAMINATION!!!!!1272 more HOURS76320 more MINUTES!!!4579200 more SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sweet Jesus...and i thought.....then again, it was what i thought. Reality check please!!conscience: eh deb..wake up can??!!deb: ZZzZZZZzzzzzZZZZz
12:58:00 AM
chemistry practical..
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Oh...I'm happy..Want to know why?Because....................C.h.e.m.i.s.t.r.y. P.r.a.c.t.i.c.a.l.I.s. O.v.e.r.!'s over..not technically, still have to take the 'O' levels into consideration. Still, it's over! for now..*skips away in immense euphoria, lilt fashion*"Lalalalalalala~"Was i nervous before the examination?Well, no. Because it seemed that my being was too small to occupy too many emotions at once. My monthly cramp had to this un-timely...time. Too pain to be nervous wreck at the same time. Wait, pain isn't an emotion. Anyhow, while the cramp with jaws like a pit bull terrier was gawning at my belly, I chided myself for not listening to my dear mommy. This is retribution, I tell you. Always pleading me to take the pills she buys, claiming that it would stop the cramp. Well, I didn't bother to take them, so here I am - suffering.Oh, I digressed so much. Okay, back to chem prac. Surprisingly, I found it alright! Yes, Deborah actually finds CHEM PRAC ALRIGHT!!! Not dreaming am i? *pinches her cheek* "OucH!!" okay..not.Yup. The titration and calculation of concentration of sulphuric acid was okay.The QA was okay.( ignoring the fact that I wrote 'oxidising agent' thinking that they were asking for the role of acidified potassium manganate (VII), when in fact, they were asking for R which was a reducing agent !)The identification of gas was sapping.effervescence observed. So i put moist litmus (blue and red) at the mouth of test tube. Blue turns red. Cancel ammonia gas.Lighted splint and tried to make it extinguish with 'pop'. Failed. Not hydrogen gas.Glowing splint does not relight. Not oxygen gas.note: by this time, I'm already fretting..but no worries, it MUST be carbondioxide gas.Pass gas evoled through white reaction! how is this happening?!! Wait, must be not enough gas evolved. Acidify the solution some more. Pass gas evolved through CaOH..AGAIN... No white ppt!!!!*frantically tries to calm herself down. carries on with the rest of the QA first*Completed the whole paper, saved for the (stupid) identification-of-gas-evolved part.Redo the whole part again and test for CO2...NO REACTION!!!!!!Then, like a beam of sunshine through the misty fog, I figured it. TEST FOR SULPHUR DIOXIDE!!! (wah..very slow..took me so long to figure it out)Acidified potassium dichromate (VI) Filter paper ready at hand. Put it at mouth of colour disappears..What??!!! No GREEN??!!then..a few seconds later..while washing up the test tubes to redo the test, I noticed a tinge of greenish on the paper..confirmed it against the white tile and VIOLA!!! It is SULPHUR DIOXIDE!!Well, time to hand in the paper..heaved a sigh of relief and bounced away to find Qin and Jess.....expected to happily walk away from the lab, but they had to discuss about the paper and somehow lasped into depression-mode because they had some mistakes here and there.."I'm gonna fail!" they wailed in unison...Aye, IT'S OVER!!luckily they did not mope for too long, (at least I know Qin did not cause she came over to watch 'Lemony Snickets and a series of unfortunate events' and had a great laugh)or else I would have been sucked into depression jess: eh, don't feel so upset. you still have your papers 1&2..*pats on her back*to qin: I hope you are alright everyone else from 4e4: Good luck for tmr's physics prac! And don't forget to bring CCA Form!I'm happy!!!*suddenly recalls an irritating stain that won't go away*CRAP! Still have to study for CHINESE PRELIM!! WHY DID I CHOOSE TO RETAKE???!!! How can I put myself through the same misery after not touching the subject for 3 MONTHS??!!ah yes, I recall now, I wanted to get an A1..I mean, WANTS. Still wants.enjoy the free friday!(for those who aren't retaking..)*grumbles*so much for being happy..
6:53:00 PM
he loves you
This is for girls who want to find out if the guy, whom they think are interested in them, are really interested... =)Simple things he does that says He Loves 1 :He sits beside you when you eat out.
A guy who's seriously in love would prefer to sit side by side becaue body contact reinforces his link with 2: He brushes the hair out of your eyesIt means he loves you so much he can't resist touching 3: He shares his food with you.When he's in love, he wants his girl to share his pleasurable moments, which includes his 4: He's always ready for a photo op with you.Most guys dilike taking photos, but if he happily wraps his arm/s around you in front of a camera, he wants the world to know that you are his 5: He lends you his most priced possessions.If he freely offers you somthing that matters to him, he is, in a way offering himself to you.Well, got this info from Cleo..guys who are reading this and think otherwise..please state what is wrong. A tad wu liao, but just for the fun of it.oh, and i want to comment on how nice J.Lim's writing is..on the whiteboard of course..Although, much to my dismay, our new history teacher isn't momo ren.. I still think J.Lim is a great teacher. Very detailed and specific..I like. Aferall, he is the vp.
1:06:00 AM
to qin
Monday, September 12, 2005
Here, pics from the dinner-turned-disaster(not quite, considering the fact that I enjoyed myself immensely) on Friday..
Charlie Angels wannabes!!!(the tiara looks funny on lao po...)Yup, all smiles..despite the mini setback.(apologise for mentioning it time and again..please bear with me)
Erm..this one isn't time
O.o What do we have here? Trying to act tough?
Nono...this isn't us..we really are angels..
See?Chio or wad?!In case you can't see what we are posing, it's our jersey no.(okay..I look kinda stupid putting two index finger up...)I miss the good old days!!
And I really miss their company..
I miss swiss..
Bah..can't do anything about it..
Okay..the rest is really dedicated to Qin. Well, not dedicated, but meant for her to read. But feel free to intrude..*winks
To my dear Qin,
I'm really sorry for upsetting you. That is to say, my inevitable move upsets you. You know, I don't understand why you worry about me turning into a rich and spoilt qian jing. I am already one..
Seriously, I will never NEVER be that. Because, no.1, am not rich. (moving into landed property isn't the defination of being rich. I'm just well-to-do.And I'm grateful for that) No.2, am not spoilt. Think of it, if Deborah Ng Wei Ling ever ever becomes spoilt, what would become of the world? Make sense?
So, now that my part is solved, lets move on to the next 'worry'.
Qin: I just hate families like my neighbours who think they are rich, drive big cars, derive joy from drinking wine and golfing and i duno, think they are great cause they live in a big house.
Yes, assuming you don't mean my family which i highly doubt that was what you are trying to imply, I too, don't have any special likings of such peeps. But I believe it's really their lifestyle, just a different and more luxurious kind. Although my family do play golf and drink wine..I don't see how we will become what you dread, or rather detest - your neighbours.
Now, have i cleared your troubles?Oh yeah, and the inconvenience part, I guess we will just have to find a way to solve it. I'll pei you walk from the bus-stop..yes, I know you have to walk to ANOTHER bus-stop, which is further away from the usual one, from your house..that can't be helped right?
Ah well, I think that's all solved now.
Love, deb
Aww..first day of term 4..
1 more month before we part for the pia-ing and mugging and chiong-ing..whatever!!!
I'm so going to miss everyone!!
Miss Ng..
..lessons..well, mainly the fun we have during lessons..teasing Hans ng..laughing along to Mrs Lee's *ahem jokes..watching videos that Miss ng brings so that we won't be bored..Mr choo's funny actions and takes..Mrs koh's interesting and witty theories on physics but somehow sleep-inducing lessons..oh, how can i forget? PE lessons!!!*winks and looks at...
..the droning assemblys..
..the cheap yet delicious food..
Mr S****..
standing outside the classroom just to people watch for awhile..
having high times with jess (approx 12-1)
..recesses with Qin, jo, hj, jess...( did we end up going recess together ar?I like them though..)
table-tennis sessions at the back of the class..(although i don't play that often)
..the walk back home..
I'm going to miss everything.
Ha! not exactly everything..well, for one, I'll not miss ***.
Don't worry, I'll always remember that X=Q...*rolls eyes..this equation is mentioned umpteen times during my life in Xinmin. Now, it really is emblazoned into every single one of my brain cells..nevermind they are constantly dying by the minute and replacing one another
10:48:00 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
So, the decision has been made..A few more months and memories are all I'll be left with..
...ah well, I guess it is still a good decision.. a certain extent..
Guys, I think I have a serious problem. As in, really SERIOUS.
I think, I'm turning into a.....
...actually not that shocking right?
I mean, I've always like babies and toddlers. Pardon the times when I sweared I'll never step into ROM and say the marriage vows. I'm just a little girl, and the thought of marraige, starting a family...spending the rest of my life with a man...The Same Man, just petrifies me. How to tahan?
That said, I have always like children. (just not for the idea of signing the marriage cert) For what reasons, I really have no inkling. But don't everyone just love the baby talk and the drool? The cute pinch-able rosy cheek, and stub-like limbs, which really look like
bazhang...Times when they give you the 'I'm innocent' look.. or when a mischievous grin spreads across their adorable face after breaking something..Oh, and the smell that emits out from their porcelain smooth skin after a bath..So pure and light.. Those cute little angels..

"Don't you think I'm cute?"
"Yeah yeah..whatever..I'm cuter anyways.."

"Do you like me?"

"Hey, what you looking at?"
Man, I like them..
..I adore them..
..I love them..
..I can't live without them...
Man, I am really turning into a psychopatic PAEDOPHILE.
Kind of like a serious fixation?Anyhow, I saw a really really really cute toddler today. About 6 to 7 years of age.. With his large puppy eyes and long dark lashes, (I can swear ..)he batted his eyelids at me, trying to mesmerize me with his irresistable charm. Well, he accomplished his mission.
So, I smiled at him..( now too enticed in his spell I couldn't tear my eyes off him..)
And the cute little guy ran away to his mama and papa..probably too shy..
I guess I have to make the first I.....
Sat at my place to stare at him, willing him to look towards my direction..
Ha! Do I sound sick?
Well, I don't know what it was about this boy. I suspect he is just too good-looking. yup, even at his tender age, he could effortlessly charm a goddess' (moi) socks off! You know, it's really isn't that easy to gain my attention..Indeed, he possessed the makings of a good looker...a top model if you will.
Too bad. He's not of age... I shall wait, for the day he transforms into a knight in shining armour. And together, we shall gallop (on his white stallion, of course) into the horizon..faraway..*carry on fantasizing about something that'll most probably not come true..
Wah, scully he really become S'pore's first top model, wow-ing every nationality all over the world. Making big bucks..
So maybe I can consider talentscouting as one of my occupations?
9:01:00 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
What a shock I had when i received a call from Nora saying that the seniors would not be able to attend the steamboat reunion dinner. The reason? They had a match, like someone just suddenly called them and asked them to play in the women's open I think..
My reaction? Stunned. Stupified. Stoned. The dinner is at 5.30pm, and they informed me at, what, 3.45pm?! How is this happening??!!! SO.... It was a mad rush as I asked everyone else who WAS SUPPOSED to attend if they wanted to carry on with it..and they all said,"oh..then next time lor.."
In the end, the dinner was cancelled...
A dinner planned like 2 weeks before, cancelled just for a sudden match..
But I guessed it was important to them and I truly believed the match was more important than the dinner..
As if the cancellation wasn't bad enough...guess what? Yilin messaged me, maybe unintentionally, saying they had lied to nora about the match and something about giving her a surprise...
So, it was all just a big blardy bluff????!!!! How could they? What surprise did they want to give?! Well, if they meant to give me a surprise, they sure did... I'm surprised at how unwilling they are to meet up with us (sec 4 batch)..NO...I'm disappointed!!!!! If they didn't want to go to the dinner, they could have just told me the moment i asked them!!!! BAHHHH....
I really need an explaination..cause i believe they have their use saying sorry
In the end, the 2 joyces and I went to Lido to catch 'Red Eye'. Pathetic..Since when did the volleyball team downsized to just 3 PEOPLE???!!! I did had fun with them though. Like back when we were sec 1..miss those times. But, today was meant for us to gather with the seniors!!!! And they... I'm feeling sick just by thinking about it..
Don't wanna talk about it..'Red Eye' is darn good..go watch it if you can...It's really amazing how the director is able to make the audience encounter so much fear in such a limited amount of settings...basically, the plane and the house. TWO only!! Not really a lot of guesswork..But the suspense was intense. What is he going to do next? How will she get out of it? Who else is involved in this ploy? I wanna know!!! Questions like these.. The thing i didn't like about the movie - too short.. 90mins. And I think there is so much more to the in, it could have been more profound. Quite straightforward. Nevertheless, it's a good thriller. Maybe there's a Red eye sequel..the '2 Red Eyes'...Oh yeah..and we saw Fiona xie and Teoh Yeow Tong( the young chap who went to prison in tong xin yuan) at Lido!! We were descending while they, ascending the escalator... My natural reaction? Point at them, trying to raise Joyces' attention..and when Fiona noticed me pointing(come to think of it, it was a rather rude gesture), and said relatively loudly," Yeah, that's right!!" At least that was what Joyce heard..Yes, she is chio..and acknowledges people too..but I'm not a fan.....I did it..Ah well, a good enough day..with a sucky lie..p.s. Happy birthday to dom..who's turning 16 at last..
3:17:00 AM
steamboat dinner
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Horror of horrors!!!
I might be MOVING!!!
I mean, I'm not sure..but my father sure seems keen on it. Oh well, we'll see in time to come.
Actually, it might not be such a bad idea too..Afterall, I'll be graduating soon.
What a whale of time 4e4 had last night! Farewell dinner for Choo at marina bay. (what else but steamboat right?) well, NO ONE was late. Quite unexpected really. improvement!!! We arranged to meet at the MRT station and everyone turned up in carefully coordinated outfits..huh..How coincidental..
We have the he se hui, happily dunking prawns into the boiling hot, where's puay ying?

ah..there she is!!

....the bai she hui

...the 'skirts' (aka.the chio ones. or retarded united)

..the colourful...

Here, we have the forever trying-their-hardest-to-act-cool-but-not-cool-guys.. Woah, look like mafia gang.. *BANG

Food Glorious FOOD!!!

mountain of peeled prawn shells, courtesy of hj-the prawn lover..

...turning it into a masterpiece with leftover..

The male lead and Miss ng

spot the difference!

Qin looks like a girl lost in her own world..
"I want those candies inside there..."

Group Photos!!!
table 1...

...table 2
(notice that all trying to use chopsticks to act cute)

do they look scary or qian bian...?

All together..posing with sticks of free ice-cream!!

see, our beloved Miss Ng so happy!!Waiting for your promised treat!! 4e4.united.Boleg! All the way!!!
1:48:00 AM
a holiday which is not
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
September has arrived..which means students are having their well-deserved one week holiday break.
Theoretically speaking, the holiday break means a week away from school. A week away from all the unlimited supply of handouts and homework (what, they think paper very cheap then ping ming need $$, photostating antie's salary also $$. And we are supposed to be saving the trees!!!), a week away from sleep-inducing lectures... In short, just a week to do anything that isn't school related.
Ahh... a week to relax and just slack. Dump all the text in that un-noticeble corner of my room and laugh at how I can NOT bother about the studying.
Please note: the above is just a wishful thinking on my dreaming..a likely story..anything else but reality..
NO!!! I cannot!!! Because this year is a very crucial year for all those born in the year 1989 and some in the year of 1988. GCE 'O' LEVELS EXAMINATIONS. These words should be etched in the candidates' brains. So, this September, it will be very different..
Students must take the iniative to pick up the textbooks they have chucked under some stacks of oldnewspaper and dust off the layer of cobwebs. MUG all they can, when they can, where they can! Students must also draw up a study timetable of roughly 12 hours a day with only 1 hour break in between to bath and eat...wait..i think there isn't a need for that. Because, our school has very thoughtfully arranged extra enrichment lessons for us! And beat that, every weekday of the week! How brilliant! *holidays flies out of the window and lessons resumes*
There goes my movie outings, shopping, time to read a book (haven't touch one in just about half a century)..time to just rest my weary mind. *grumbles*
Well, I can't complain can I? It's my life, what I do now will be the determining factor of my future. Whether it is bright or non-existant, depends heavily on how well I fare now...and many years from now..
I really appreciate the effort put in and the time teachers spent in order for us to do well. But lessons til 12.30 everyday? Maybe in some other schools, they are doing more, while the rest, less..But I do think that it is a tad too much..Or maybe it's just because I don't know how to manage my time.
Well, for once, chem wasn't as bad as I thought
*self-reminder: I should be thankful because millions of children around the world do not have the fortune to read a book, much less recieve proper I shall, it seems..
Enough rambling..move on with life..
1:39:00 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
A little story for all..One night a man had a dream.He dreamed that he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: One belonging to him, and the other to the LORD. When the last scene of his life flashed before him,he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it: "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when i needed you most you would leave me."The LORD replied:"my son, my precious child, i love you and i would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
moral: you are never alone
12:30:00 AM
How Ironic..
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I remember a few months ago, when I was puzzled about how people willingly put up their life for the world to judge, I swore never to become one of the people aka bloggers..Well, you can say I did not approve of it, and i refused, flatly i might add, when my friends asked me to start one. Or rather, i did not like the idea of people reading about my life..I do have a diary for that you know..I mean, if they want to know how I am getting on with life, they could simply call me up or arrange a meeting. What's more, people would be judging me, discriminating and putting me down. Why would any sane person want that? For the attention? What is the purpose of a blog anyway, I would ponder for a nanosecond and brush it off, like an insignificant mayfly.
But now, look what i've become.. Ta dah...a BLOGGER!!! A group of people I've always thought was silly to publish their private life..people who like to garner attention..people who have nothing better to do..people..I'd better stop, or else everyone from the blogsphere would be flooding my tag with hatemail. To put it simply, I've become someone I was puzzled about. For someone (me) who has always believed in keeping one's life how it should be, private, starting a blog is a BIG thing. People who are reading this and going,"What's up with her?what's the Biggie?" sorry, but you'd have to put up with me for the time being..
So, why have i decide to start my very own space?To be honest, it's really for fun. Something to do during the week break from school, like a mini project..*smiles..It's just a space for me to write..yes, i do like to write..people who know me would know that I can only write willingly on the laptop. I mean, like i have writer's block everytime sk.Lee ask us to write an essay in atmosphere no inspiration.and they usually come out crappy..Anyways, it's also to entertain my dear Qin. Well, she said that this way she would know what's going on in my life. Not that she Doesn't already know, but just in case we don't keep in contact year..if we end up in different jc..thinking of it makes me shudder..
Yup, that's how ironic it turning into a...
By the way, i still am puzzled..
11:19:00 PM